1980-08-18_Agenda .. AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 15th August, 1980. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., August 18 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (August 11). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. Progress payment. Payment of invoice for liquid calcium chloride. Report re tenders for Beach Crescent Lift Station. Report re tenders for Forest Hills baseball field. Re complaint of Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson re dog problem. Re building for St. John Ambulance. Re Taxi By-Law amendment. (a) Re asphalt plant problems. (b) Payment of invoice. (c) Payment of invoice. Report re tenders for demolition of 282 Rockland Road and 10 Somerset Street. I 12. COMMON CLERK 13. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property known as civic number 301 Sandy Point Road, as requested by Steeves Enterprises Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given August 11). COMMITTEES 14. Committee of the Whole report (August 11). 15. Land Committee re renovations to City Road Armouries re Westburne Industrial Enterprises Ltd. lease. 16. Land Committee re expropriation of a portion of Ashburn Lake Road by Department of Transportation. 17. Land Committee re granting of easement to Mr. Darrell A. Scribner, Willow Roadway. 18. Land Committee re release of portion of land leased by the City to Silver Falls Park Development Limited. 19. Land Committee re payment to Leslie & Hilda Sprague re property required for Church Avenue Overpass. 20. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision application, J. Cathline, Cathline Dr. 21. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Anthony Estate, Anthony's Cove Rd. 22. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning application, Saint John Regional Hospital, University Avenue (public hearing held August 11 - no readings given). GENERAL 23. Re budget for tourism department (Councillor Wayne). 24. Application of Dante Forriere for re-zoning of property, Loch Lomond Road and Forriere Dr. 25. Application of William G. Godfrey for re-zoning of property, 555 Grandview Avenue. 26. Application of Salvation Army for re-zoning of property, 36 St. James Street. 27. Replies from Members of Parliament re Council resolution re loss of Federal Government employees in Saint John and Moncton. 28. Letter from Stephen Construction Company Limited re supply of asphalt. 29. Letter from Mr. Ted Harrison, Grandview Avenue, re asphalt. 30. Petition from residents of Ragged Point Road requesting chipsealing.