COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th August, 1980.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., August 11 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (July 28).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the site of the Regional
Hospital now under construction off University Avenue, from "P" Park
to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
5. 7.00 p.m. - Presentation to City by Mr. Pius Gardner of C.N.I.B. of Charter of
Membership into Wise Owl Club, and presentation of citation to Mr. Shephard,
7 Logan Drive, as a member of the said Club.
6. Re Maintenance Management System - Fleet Maintenance.
7. Payment of invoice.
8. Re request of Mr. A. V. McCormick for permission to extend fence on Second Street.
9. Re issuing of warrants to Messrs. M. McAllister; W. Harris; and J. Pipes for No.1 Co.,
Salvage Corps & Fire Police.
10. Report re tenders for supply of pumps and motors, Beach Crescent Lift Station.
11. Re vehicular and pedestrian traffic at Simms Corner.
12. Payment of invoice.
13. Report re tenders for Glen Rd. & Main St. sewer construction, and Grandview Ave. storm
sewer and road construction.
14. Re fire-damaged building, 48 Exmouth Street.
15. Re Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, designation of central area.
16. Re Taxi By-Law amendment.
17. Report re tenders for demolition of 272 Rockland Road and 41 Canon Street.
18. Third reading of Traffic By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given July 28).
19. Third reading of Zoning By-Law text amendment (1st & 2nd readings given July 28).
20. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning application, Steeves Enterprises Ltd., Sandy
Point Road (public hearing held July 28 - no readings given).
21. Planning Advisory Committee re proposal by Dominion Stores Limited to establish stand
in Lancaster Mall parking lot.
22. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision of Harold Stevens, Drury Cove Road.
23. Land Committee re purchase of property 296-298 Rockland Road from Mrs. Margaret Dann.
24. Land Committee re lease of space, City Road Armouries, to Westburne Industrial Enter-
prises Ltd.
25. Energy Conservation Committee re Ritchie building, Princess Street.
26. Re condition of bridge guardrail at Champlain Heights (Councillor Wayne).
27. Re business conducted in Committee of the Whole (Councillor Wayne).
28. Re enactment of Smoking Ordinance (~ouncillor Denton).
29. Application of Service Coin Ltd. for re-zoning of property, St. Catherine Street.
30. Application of N B R Holdings Ltd., for re-zoning of property, 151 Loch Lomond Road.
31. Application of Ernie's Home Improvement Ltd. for re-zoning of property, Rothesay Road.
32. Letter from McKelvey, Macaulay, Machum re development of land, Boars Head Road, by
Stanley Gardens Ltd.
33. Request of Mr. William Kirk for extension of permission re location of mobile home on
property at Martinon.
34. Letter from Mrs. Joan Parfitt re proposed sportsplex.
35. Letter from Centers Offering Independent Lifestyles Inc. re ramping of new curbing.
36. Letter from Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints requesting permission to set up
streetboard in King Square.
37. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of The T.U. Social Club. Inc.
for club license for premises on Old Black River Road.