COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 18, 1980
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., July 21 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (July 14)
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Progress payments.
5. Payment of invoices
6. Report re tenders for concrete work 1980 capital program
7. Report re tenders for West Side water & sewer construction
8. Re release of holdback, Maritime Scrap Limited
~O. Re Allingham Crescent - Emergency Exit to Sand Cove Road
11. Re ambulance grants
12. Third reading of amendment to Taxi By-Law
13. Second and Third readings of amendment to Traffic By-Law
14. Third reading of amendment to Traffic By-Law
15. Committee of the Whole report (July 14th)
16. Planning Advisory Committee re Vito's Pizza, 69 Russell St
17. Planning Advisory Committee re market study and application for re-zoning
by Moose Mountain Farms Limited
18. Land Committee re property 185 Rockland Road, owned by Mrs. Blanche Kashetsky
19. Land Committee re purchase of property 205 Rockland Road, from Mrs. Margaret Doiro
20. Land Committee re Bayside Drive Widening - Saint John Tugboat Co. Ltd.
21. Land Committee re sale of property 100 Winslow St, to Gerald R. Collins
22. Re Loyalist Days (Councillor Denton)
23. Re furnishings Fort Howe Block House ( Councillor Wayne )
24. Re Abolition by Government of N.B. of taxes on Irving Oil storage tanks (Councill
25. Re request fram Partridge Island Research Project for office space
26. Re request for grant from Atlantic National Exhibition Horse Show
27. Letter from MacKnight Motors requesting delay in court action
28. Application to Court for an order to permit professional hockey in Lord
Beaverbrook Rink
29. Petition re taxi inspector
29(a) Application for re-zoning by Silver Falls Variety Store, 558 Bonita Avenue