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COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th July, 1980.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., July 14 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (June 30 & July 7).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.30 p.m. - Nina Debly, owner of the Fee Simple, to appear to show cause why the
building located at 95 Mallette Road should not be removed or destroyed
as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
5. Payment of invoices.
6. Report re tenders for liquid chlorine.
7. Report re tenders for chain link fencing.
8. Report re tenders for Beach Crescent Lift Station, pumps and motors.
9. Report re tenders for Beach Crescent Lift Station, screens.
10. Re request of Environment Committee for consideration of Noise By-Law.
11. Re bid deposits on tenders for purchase of goods (tabled April 29).
12. Adoption of resolution re signing of securities for sinking fund.
13. Progress payments.
14. Report re tenders for Beach Crescent Lift Station, diesel generator.
15. Re parking on Peters Street and Waterloo Street.
16. Re parking on Lansdowne Avenue and Wellesley Avenue.
17. Payment of invoices.
18. Re parking on Coburg, Dorchester and Garden Streets.
19. Re sewage treatment project agreement, Red Head.
20. Re re-zoning applications.
21. Re pedlars and traders carrying on business throughout the City.
22. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-Law.
23. Proposed amendment to Taxi By-Law.
24. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property on the southern side of
Loch Lomond Road and the eastern side of Crawford Road (1st & 2nd readings given June 30).
25. Committee of the Whole report (July 7).
26. Planning Advisory Committee re Deferred Widening By-Law, Carmarthen Street Extension.
27. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 156 Germain St., to Mrs. Jennie B. Carter.
28. Land Committee re property, 154 Church Avenue, owned by Mrs. Beatrice Osborne.
29. Land Committee re purchase of property, 300 Rockland Rd., from Mrs. Florence Wightman.
30. Re review of zoning regulations, etc. (Councillor Elliot)
31. Re regulations for gravel pits and quarries (Councillor Elliot)
32. Re applications for re-zoning (Councillor Wayne)
33. Re construction of Marsh Creek Bridge (Councillor Wayne)
34. Application for re-zoning of new regional hospital site on University Avenue.
35. Letter from Mr. S. Roy Kelly, Q.C. re application of Ernie's Home Improvement Ltd.
for re-zoning of property, Ashburn Road.
36. Request for zoning extension re Brentwood Park Subdivision.
37. Letter from C.O.I.L. re access ramps for the disabled.
38. Request of Loyalist Days Inc. for use of Kin~ Square North during Loyalist Days.
39. Letter from Noranda Metal Industries Limited, Norcast Division, re recycling of vehicles.