~E N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd May, 1980.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., May 5 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 28 & 29).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Report re tenders for demolition of buildings, 226 and 230 Rockland Road, and clean-up
of debris from fire-damaged buildings at 226 1/2 and 228 Rockland Road.
5. Re capital improvements, Lorneville Road.
6. Re operation of MacKnight Motors Ltd., Ashburn Lake Road.
7. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given April 28).
8. Third reading of Traffic By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given April 29).
9. Committee of the Whole report (April 28).
10. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning and Municipal Plan amendments re Market Square.
11. Parking Commission re pedestrian crosswalk, Dock Street at Market Square.
12. Transit Commission re purchase of buses.
13. 1979 Annual Report of the Power Commission.
14. Land Committee re property, 206 Rockland Road.
15. Land Committee re purchase of property, 160 Church Ave. from Mr. & Mrs. A. Bordage.
16. Land Committee re sale of lot, Cedar Point Trailer Park to Mrs. Sandra Melvin.
17. Land Committee re purchase of property, 282-284 Rockland Rd. from Wilson Investments Ltd.
18. Letter from Councillor Murphy re Quebec referendum vote (tabled April 29).
19. Letter from Councillor M. Vincent re relocation of a Provincial office from Saint John
(tabled April 29).
20. Re problem of handicapped persons regarding municipal election (Councillor MacCallum).
21. Re water and sewer rates (Councillor Wayne).
23. Re Beyea's auto compound (Councillor Pye).
24. Re lack of proper pedestrian protection, Simms Corner (Councillor Pye).
25. Request of Mr. Wayne J. Cormier, 2123 Loch Lomond Road, for temporary permission for
location of mobile home adjacent to his property.
26. Letter from Irving Pulp & Paper Limited re water consumption deficiency charges.
27. Correspondence re archival survey.
28. (a) Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re former request for re-zoning.
(b) Letter from Noranda Metal Industries, Ltd., Norcast Division, re collection of
derelict vehicles.
29. Petition from residents of City Line requesting erection of chain link fence in area.
30. Letter from Principal of Latimore Lake School re danger to students caused by trucks
in the area.