~ Meeting called to order,
2. Confirmation of minutes
3. Mayor's remarks.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 18th April, 1980.
4.00 p.m., April 21 - prayer.
(April 14).
4. Payment of invoices for appraisal services.
5. Payment of invoice for surveying services.
6. Re emergency exit, Allinghan Crescent to Sand Cove Road.
7. Re Loch Lomond Road widening, overflow from B1indman's Lake.
8. Re drainage problem, Manchester Avenue.
9. Re request of Metro Construction (1978) Ltd. re spring weight restrictions.
10. Re issuing of building permit to Mr. Anthony McGraw, 327 Summit Drive.
11. Re 1980 revision to Provincial Highway Maintenance Agreement.
12. Payment of 1980 Real Property taxes.
13. Report re tenders for demolition of City-owned buildings, City Road.
14. Report re tenders for fire equipment.
15. Report re tenders for gasoline and oils.
16. Re request of Mr. Thomas Enright regarding building permit for 55 Waterloo Street.
17. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a portion of the Latimer Lake
Mobile Home Park. (1st & 2nd readings given April 14).
18. (a) Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify the front 10-acre portion of
property formerly owned by William K. Usher located on the western side of #7 Pro-
vincial Highway at the boundary between the City and the Village of Grand Bay, from
Low Density Residential to District Centre Commercial to permit development of the
first phase of a shopping centre, as requested by Food City Limited.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property from "RS-2" Suburban
Residential to "B-2" General Business classification.
19. Letters from Planning Advisory Committee and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Nason re proposed
amendments. (tabled March 31).
20. Committee of the Whole report (April 14).
21. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Mrs. M. Jensen for renewal of temporary location
of mobile home on property located on St. Martin's Highway.
22. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Communicon Company Limited for Municipal Plan
and Zoning By-Laws amendments re property, Sandy Point Road.
23. Historic Sites and Events Committee re development of West Side Municipal Geological Museum
24. Report re financing of sportsplex (Mayor).
25. Re fire-damaged property, 219 Princess Street (Councillor MacCallum).
26. Re Ashburn Crescent and Edgewater Lane, Belmont (Councillor Wayne).
27. Re pollution of Mill Brook, Lorneville (Councillor Wayne).
28. Letter from Provincial Minister of Tourism re 1980 Anti-Litter and Clean-Up Program.
29. Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re crushing of vehicles at Ashburn Lake Road property.
30. Letter from Lorneville Ratepayers Association re service requirements, etc., Lorneville.
31. Letter Anne M. Byrne, solicitor for number of Jones Drive residents re remarks made at
recent Council meeting.
32. Letter from Mr. William K. Usher, Morna, re services in area.