COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th April, 1980
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., April 14 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (March 31)
3. Mayor's remarks
7.00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone portion of the
Latimer Lake Mobile Home Park from "RS-IM" to "MH".
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
5. 7.30 p.m. - J. Stanley Dickison & Vivian J. Dickison, owners - to appear to
show cause why the building located at 202 Waterloo Street should
not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
6. 7.40 p.m. - Province of New Brunswick, Purchaser Under Tax Sale; Naomi McCutcheon,
Mortgagor; James H. Cook, First Mortgagee; Gilks Real Estate Ltd.,
Second Mortgagee; and J.M. & C. W. Hope Grant Ltd., Judgment Creditor -
to appear to show cause why the building located on the Nicolle Road
should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated buildin,
7. Re tender for chain link fence along Union, Smythe St - NBEPC facility
8. Progress payments
9. Payment of Invoices
10 Re tender for demolition of building located 203 Main Street
11. Re Capital Budget, 1979
12. Third reading of amendment to Municipal Development Plan re property at
291 Simpson Drive from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial
13. Third reading of amendIDe~to Zoning By-Law to re-zone said property. (1st & 2nd
readings given March 31st)
14. Second_and Third reading of Traffic By-Law (1st reading March 31)
15. Re proposed rezoning of property formerly owned by William K. Usher on
westerly side of Number 7 provincial highway
16. Re legislation re creation of Market Square Corporation
17. Re Church Avenue overpass - expropriation of properties
18. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Church of the Nazarene for temporary
mobile home permit renewal
19. Planning Advisory Committee re application of V. McCavour for temporary mobile
home permit renewal
20. Re Cedar Point Trailer Park
21. Re 660 Sand Cove Road
22. Re temporary mobile home application of Mrs. Shirley Cook -1460 Grandview Ave
23. Land~Committee re_306 & 310 Princess Street,
24. Land Committee re North/South Arterial, 211 Rockland Road
25. Committee of the Whole report (March 3rd)
26. Letter from Hypertension (ECHT) Study Clinic
27. Letter from River Road Rate Payers Association re Speed Limit Zones
28. Request of Inter-Provincial Championships Organization of Highland Dancing for grant
29. Letter from N B. Liquor Corporation re "Specialty Store" - Brunswick Square Complex
30. Letter from Historic Events and Sites Committee re Partridge Island
31. Letter from George Keirstead, 1131 Manawagonish Road re building permit
32. Re extension of time for tenants to vacate city-owned properties, Rockland Road
(Councillor Wayne)
33. Re traffic situation Simms Corner Intersection (Councillor Elliot)
34. Re water run-off problem, Manchester Avenue
35. Re building permit, 55 Waterloo Street
36. Application from Carleton Curling Club Limited for amendment to Zoning By-law,
Rodney & Winslow Sts
37. Copy of brief presented by A. J. Gordon to Advisory Coucnil of Tourism new Brunswick
38. Letter from residents of Jones Drive re MacKnight Motors
39. Letter from The Valley Citizens' Committee re North/South Arterial
- 2 -
40. Request of Cecil Johnson, 216 Rockland Road for extension of time to vacate premises
41. Request from Mr & Mrs. Charles MacKenzie, 216~ Rockland Road for extension ot time
to vacate premises
42 Request of Mrs. Howard Gray, 218 Rockland Road for extension of time to vacate ,~~
43. Letter from Saint John Municipal Chapter, r.O.D.E. re furnishings of Block House,
Fort Howe
44. Request from Metro Construction (1978) Ltd to lift Spring Weight restrictions on
Latimore Lake Road and Grandview Ave
45 Request to conduct Horse & Carriage Tour Service in city during July to Sept.
46 Request of Olsen's General Store re amendment to Council resolution to permit
fenced-in compound
47. Letter from Saint John Council of Women requesting grant of $1500. _