COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st March, 1980.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., March 24 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (March 17).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re Marsh Creek Flood Damage Reduction Agreement expropriation.
5. Re parking, Hilyard Street and University Avenue.
6. Re request of Mr. Neil McCutcheon to cut on City property.
7. Re drapery contract, City Hall.
8. Re Chesley Place - mutual user agreement.
9. Planning Advisory Committee re application of N.B. Tel for Zoning By-Law amendment.
10. Planning Advisory Committee re central business district revitalization plan.
11. Planning Advisory Committee re renewal of temporary mobile home application, Mrs.
Shirley Cook, 1460 Grandview Avenue.
12. Land Committee re purchase of property, 209 Rockland Road.
13. Land Committee re purchase of property, 213 Rockland Road.
14. Land Committee re purchase of property, 266 & 272 Rockland Road.
15. Land Committee re purchase of property, 292 Rockland Road.
16. Land Committee re purchase of property, 216-220 Rockland Road.
17. Land Committee re purchase of property, 276 Rockland Road.
IS. Land Committee re purchase of properties, Rockland Road. from Saint John Loan Co.
19. Preservation Review Board re designation of preservation area.
20. Preservation Review Board re City-owned buildings in preservation area.
20A.Report of Saint John Transit Commission - July 1st to December 31st, 1979.
21. Re flooding problem, Greendale Cres., Valleyview Cres., Manchester Ave. (Councillor Wayne).
22. Re Marsh Creek Flood Damage Reduction Agreement (Councillor Wayne).
23. Re sidewalks, Westmorland Rd. - Forest Hills School to Golden Grove Rd., and Golden
Grove Rd. area (Councillor M. Vincent).
24. Re finalization of property expropriations (Deputy Mayor Elliot).
25. Application of MacKnight Motors Limited for re-zoning of property, Ashburn Lake Road.
26. Letter from Simonds Co-operative Limited re proposed garden centre.
27. Application of Mrs. Valerie McCavour for renewal of temporary permission re location
of mobile home, Lorneville.
2S. Request of N. B. Council, Boy Scouts of Canada, for financial assistance re new Provincial
headquarters building.
29. Request of Lancaster Little League for assistance re 1983 and 1984 tournaments.
30. Request of Germain Street Baptist, Saint Andrew's and Saint David's United, and St.
John's (Stone) Anglican Churches for permission to hold sunrise service, April 6th,
at Fort Howe.
31. Petition from citizens re existing Dog By-Law.
32. Letter from Mr. D. H. Sloat re salaries of Mayor and Council members.
33. Letter from Mr. Nelson J. Sewell re park improvement, Queen Square West.
34. Petition from residents requesting rebuilding of Ketepec Road.