COMMON COUNCIL - as at 7th March, 19S0.
Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., March 10 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (March 3).
Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoices re City-owned properties, Mecklenburg and Prince William Streets.
5. Progress payments re capital and D.R.E.E. projects.
6. Re John H. Searle et ux - land compensation.
8. Re Chesley Place lease.
9. Re bus stop, Sydney Street.
10. Re auditing and banking services.
11. Report re tenders for traffic paint.
12. Re North-South Arterial proposals for consultants.
13. Re City of Saint John and F. Gordon Carvell Property Compensation Board proceedings.
14. Third reading of amendment to Traffic By-Law (tabled March 3).
15. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment re property occupied by the Simonds
Local Service District fire hall on Range Road. (1st & 2nd readings given March 3)
(b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property. (1st & 2nd readings
given March 3)
16. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a 1.09 acre parcel of land, being a
portion of Snowflake Lime Limited property on the north side of Somerset Street (1st &
2nd readings given March 3).
17. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 121 St. James Street
(1st & 2nd readings given March 3).
18. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to repeal Section 114(a) (1st & 2nd readings
given March 3).
19. Third reading of by-law amendment to close portions of North Market Wharf, Nelson Street,
Robertson Place, Smythe Street and Union Street (1st & 2nd readings given March 3).
20. Committee of the Whole report (March 3).
21. Land Committee re renewal of lease of the Saint John Assoc. of the Deaf, Canterbury St.
22. Land Committee re purchase of easements re Grandview Avenue IS-inch sanitary sewer.
23. Land Committee re renewal of lease, Apex Machine Works, 320 Charlotte Street.
24. Land Committee re renewal of lease, Apex Industrial Supply, 320 Charlotte Street.
25. Land Committee re lease of space, 139 Bayside Drive, to Mr. Richard MacPherson.
26. Land Committee re donation of property, 177-179 Canterbury Street from Wawanesa Mutual
Insurance Company.
27. Land Committee re renewal of lease, Building Services Ltd., 320 Charlotte Street.
27A.Market Committee re transfer of lease of Mrs. Lina Reynolds to David & Valerie Saunders.
27B.Market Committee re increase in fees re collection of garbage.
28. Re parking, Lord Beaverbrook Rink parking lot (Deputy Mayor Elliot).
29. Re use of cobblestones (Councillor Wayne).
30. Re extension of transit services (Councillor Murphy).
31. Letter from residents of Stevens and Woodland Roads, Martinon, re location of school
bus stop.
32. Correspondence from Canada Safety Council re annual School Bus Safety Week Campaign.
33. Request of Kennebecasis Rowing Club Inc. for financial assistantance re participation
in international regatta to be held in Newcastle, England.
34. Request for financial assistance from Men's City & District Dart League re participation
in Canadian National Dart Shoot.
35. Letter from Mrs. Y. Belliveau re Council's decision re Point Lepreau project.
36. Request of Mrs. Shirley Cook for extension of temporary permit re location of mobile home,
Grandview Avenue.
37. Letter from Mr. Jack D. Levine requesting permission for addition of basement apartment
in property, III Manners Sutton Road.