COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th February, 1980.
,.. 1.
Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., February 11 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (February 4).
Mayor's remarks.
4. (a) Re proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re Hazen Street and Dorchester Street.
(b) Third reading of amendment to Traffic By-Law (tabled February 4).
5. Re confirmation of officers elected by No. 2 Company Salvage Corps and Fire Police.
6. (a) Re expropriation of Abe Levine & Sons Ltd. property, Britain Street.
(b) Letter from City Solicitor re confirmation of Notice of Intention to Expropriate
above property (tabled February 4).
8. Third reading of by-law amendment to close portion of Candace Street (1st & 2nd readings
given Feb. 4).
9. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to E. Hirtle/W. Anderson subdivision, east side
of Kean Road.
10. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Cedar Point Trailer Park.
11. Planning Advisory Committee re Proposal Call for Prince William Street properties.
12. Planning Advisory Committee re Planning Branch commentary on Proctor Redfern Report.
13. Request of Mr. Brian R. Cook for extension of temporary permit re location of mobile
home, Grandview Avenue.
14. Request of Mr. Ward F. Duke for extension of temporary permit re location of mobile
home, Sand Cove Road.
15. Letter from Hospital Cutback Monitoring Committee, Region II re cutbacks in health care.
16. Letter from Human Development Council requesting donation re Human Services Fair.
17. Letter from Mr. Lloyd Ginn re requirement for installation of buffer zone between Loch
Lamond Mall parking lot and his property.
18. Application from MacKnight Motors Limited for re-zoning of property, Ashburn Road.
19. Letter from residents of Jones Drive re MacKnight Motors Ltd. property.