COMMON COUNCIL - as at 16th November, 1979.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., November 19 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (November 5).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land containing
2 acres, located in the McAllister Industrial Park at the southern
extremity of Whitebone Way from "RF" Rural to "1_4" Heavy Industrial
Park classification.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning and re
subdivision application of Provincial Department of Supply and Services
re said property.
5. Report re tenders for demolition of building located at 138 Winslow Street.
6. Re petition from residents of Old Black River Road.
7. Re request of Mr. E. Harvey for additional lighting, Bardsley Avenue.
8. Re parking on Union Street between Sydney and Carmarthen Sts. (tabled Nov. 5).
9. Re Christmas tree lot rental.
10. Progress payments re capital projects.
11. Re request for enactment of Noise By-Law.
12. Re request for installation of street light, Westmorland Road.
13. Progress payments re Department of Regional Economic Expansion projects.
14. Report of Proctor & Redfern Limited for revitalization of Central Business District.
15. Payment of invoices.
16. Re energy conservation.
17. Third reading of Taxi By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given November 5).
18. Re emergency exit from Sand Cove Road to Allingham Crescent.
19. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Moose Mountain Farms for re-zoning and
Municipal Plan amendment re property located on the south side of Loch Lomond Road.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision of Department of Commerce and
Development re extension of Watertower Road.
21. Planning Advisory Committee re amendments to Development Plan and Zoning By-Law
pertaining to Integrated Development Zones.
'22. Land Committee re purchase of property, 148 Sydney Street.
23. Land Committee re expropriation of property of Robert and Donna Jeffries, Loch Lomond Road.
24. Historic Sites and Events Committee re open-air geological municipal museum located at
King Square West.
25. Re use of harbour bridge by funeral processions (Councillor Murphy).
26. Re Shaw's Lake gravel pit (Councillor Wayne).
27. Re routes for gravel trucks hauling from pits (Councillor Wayne).
28. Re procedure for flying of flags (Councillor Murphy).
29. Re traffic pattern, intersection of Clarendon St. and Douglas Ave. (Councillor Pye).
30. Re progress regarding allotment at Cedar Point Trailer Park (Councillor Pye).
31. Letter from Mr. A. R. W. Lockhart, Managing Director, CFBC, re shipment of radioactive
devices through City.
32. Letter from Mr. J. H. Wilcox, 257 Montreal Avenue, requesting reduced transit fares for
handicapped and mentally retarded persons.
33. Letters from Prime Minister Joe Clark and Mr. P. J. Farmer, Executive Director, Canada
Safety Council re Safe Driving Week.
34. Petition from residents of Clark Road No.1, Morna, requesting that said road be taken
over as a City street.
35. Letter from Mrs. C. E. Robinson re traffic problem, Harding Street West.