1979-11-05_Agenda IAGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd November, 1979. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., November 5 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (October 29). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Progress payment re capital project. 5. Report re tenders for Forest Hills Ball Park storm sewer. 6. Report re tenders for demolition of building located at 22 Millidge Street. 7. Re emergency exit, Allingham Crescent to Sand Cove Road. 8. Re parking on Union Street between Sydney and Carmarthen Streets. 9. Re Community Services Contribution programme. 9A. Payment of invoices. COMMON CLERK 10. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 10-12 Glenview Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given October 29). COMMITTEES 11. Committee of the Whole report (October 29). 12. Land Committee re purchase of property, 148 Sydney Street. 12A.Historic Sites & Events Committee re displaying of Canadian flags. GENERAL 13. Re extension of bus service in eastern area of Saint John (Councillor M. Vincent). 14. Letter from D'Anjou Transport re water problem, Fairville Boulevard. 15. Letter from Mr. M. Gary Davis, Chairman, Division of Administration, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, re courses for City employees. 16. Letter from Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, re statements of Deputy Fire Chief re changes in Rules and Regulations. 17. Letter from Mr. William S. Rice re Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau. 18. Letter from Lawson Motors (1978) Ltd. re parking by City employees on Rothesay Avenue property. 19. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Chesley Place Limited for beverage room license, Chesley Place. 20. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Chesley Place Limited for dining room license, Chesley Place. "