1979-08-13_Agenda I . 11G EN D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at lOth August, 1979. , 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., August 13 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (July 30). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Report re tenders for demolition of property, 35-37 Exmouth Street. 5. Report re tenders for Water Street watermain construction. 6. Payment of invoices. 7. Progress payment re capital project. 8. Progress payments re Department of Regional Economic Expansion projects. 9. Re letter from Mr. B. J. Reid, South Bay, re insects, culvert, and street light. 10. Re armour rock for Anthony's Cove Road and Courtenay Bay Causeway. 11. Re request for traffic light at Millidge/University/Woodward Avenues intersection. 12. Re request for change in traffic flow on Dorchester Street between Union and Carleton Sts 13. Re parking restrictions, South End. 14. Re unsightly premises, 2207 Ocean Westway. 15. Re study of Phase II Expansion, Lancaster Lagoon (tabled July 23). 16. Re complaint of Mr. Lloyd Ginn, 142 Virginia St. re encroachment of Loch Lomond Mall parking lot. 17. Re petition from residents of Rockland Road. 18. Re City-owned buildings, Prince William Street. CITY SOLICITOR 19. Re legal fees. 20. Re places of amusement. COMMITTEES 21. Committee of the Whole report (July 30). 22. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision of E. May Day, south side of Hillcres- Road. 23. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision of G. Sharpe, Anthony's Cove Road. 24. Planning Advisory Committee re Deferred Widening By-Law for portions of Union, Waterloo and Water Streets. 25. Land Committee re purchase of property between Fundy 'Drive and Buena Vista Avenue fromPubJ Works, Canada. 26. Land Committee re lease of property, Taylor Avenue, to Mr. Thomas F. Daley. 27. Land Committee re lease of lot, 114 Orange Street to Mrs. Joan Parfitt. GENERAL 28. Letter from Councillor Wayne re time schedule for Glen Falls Flood Reduction Agreement (tabled July 30). 29. Re staff report to be prepared re parades (Councillor Wayne). 30. Re condition of water supply, Saint John West (Councillor Murphy). 31. Re commending asphalt plant employees (Councillor Murphy). 32. Re previous Council resolutions regarding Church Avenue over-pass (Councillor Murphy). 33. Re fire-damaged property, 92 Elliott Row (Councillor MacCallum). 34. Re Council request for study on traffic flow in parking garage area and traffic patterns with regard to Market Square Project (Councillor Elliot). 35. Letter from Blue Knights, Inc. N.B. #2 re remarks made during July 30th Council meeting. 36. Letter from Mr. Hugh H. McLellan, solicitor for Snowflake Lime Ltd. re dumping near City burners, Pokiok Road on said company's property. 37. Letter from Centers Offering Independent Lifestyles Incorporated re access to public buildings, designation of parking spots, and ramping of curbs, for disabled citizens. 38. Letter from Mr. Stephen J. Barry, and petition from residents of Queen Square area, re restriction of parking on the south side of Queen Street, from Sydney St. to Crown St. 39. Letter from residents of Clark Road #2, Morna, re drainage problem and paved aprons. 40. Letters from River Road Rate Payers Association re public transportation; mobile homes; speed limit zones; Fire Dept. agreement with Grand Bay; private roads; heavy transport traffic; and public transportation for senior citizens of the area. 41. Letter from City of Kitchener advising of resolution adopted regarding the sponsoring of a Vietnamese refugee family. 42. Application from Harold and Pearl Lord for re-zoning of property, Spruce Lake. 43. Application from Dr. W. Warren Thompson for re-zoning of property, 70 Leinster Street.