COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th July, 1979.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., July 23 - prayer.
~. Confirmation of minutes (July 16).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land on the
southerly side of Foster Thurston Drive from "RF" Rural to "B_2"
General Business district, subject to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act restricting the use of the property to a business office and apartment
units in accordance with development plans submitted by R. E. and J. E.
Friars Limited.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said re-zoning (considered
at June 25th Council meeting).
5. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to amend Section 220 to permit identifi-
cation or directional signs in "P" Park zones.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said amendment. (considered
at June 25th Council meeting).
6. 7.30 p.m. - Garfield Skinner, Leasehold Mortgagor; Mrs. Roberta Shaw, Mrs. Lana Abric
and Mrs. Marjorie Bothwell, Leasehold Mortgagees; Irving Oil Limited, Judgement
Creditor; Leroy's Heating Service Ltd., Judgement Creditor; and Imperial Oil
Limited, Judgement Creditor - to appear to show cause why the building located
at 153 Main Street should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or
dilapidated building.
7. 7.40 p.m. - Charlotte E. Keating and Miriam J. Keating, Owners of the Freehold - to appear
to show cause why the building located at 194-196 Church Avenue should not be
removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
8. Re North End Urban Renewal Agreement Extension.
9. Re Silver Falls Park Sewage Lagoon.
10. (a) Re re-zoning application, MacKnight Motors Ltd. re property, Ashburn Lake Road.
(b) Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re proposed re-zoning.
(c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
11. Re request of Saint John Hearing Society Inc. for office space.
12. (a) Re Stanley Street pedestrian overpass.
(b) Copy of letter to City Manager from Resident Engineer, Provincial Department of Trans-
portation re pedestrian problem existing on the Throughway, especially near the
Stanley Street area.
13. Progress payments re capital projects.
14. Report re tenders for Courtenay Bay Causeway storm sewer.
15. Re tenders for Woodward Avenue storm sewer.
16. Re study of Phase II Expansion, Lancaster Lagoon.
17. Report re tenders for demolition of buildings, 118 Bridge St., 118 St. James St.,
691 Brunswick Dr. and 214 Watson St.
18. Progress Payments re capital projects.
19. Progress payments re D.R.E.E. projects.
20. Re alternate side parking, South End.
20A. Request:i"or staff to prepare and submit a Parade By-Law.
21. Re sale of freehold interest in property, 207 St. James Street, West. to Mr. C. C.
22. Third reading of Traffic By-Law amendment to prohibit left turns from City Road westerly
to Delhi Street and from Meadow Street southerly to City Road (1st & 2nd readings given
July 9).
23. Third reading of by-law amendment to close a portion of Golden Grove Road (1st & 2nd
readings given July 9).
24. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to add a cablevision facility and related service
operations to those conditional uses presently permitted in "B_2" General Business zones
(1st & 2nd readings given July 9).
25. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendments to:
(a) Create a new zoning category "I-2a" Special Heavy Industrial (1st & 2nd readings
given July 9).
(b) Re-zone a part of the Joseph A. Likely property fronting on Bayside Drive to permit
the establishment of a commercial helicopter operation (1st & 2nd readings given
July 9).
26. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the existing Loch Lomond Villa site
and lots now or previously known as 169 and 171 Loch Lomond Road (1st & 2nd readings
given July 9).
27. Proposed amendment to Municipal Plan By-Law for J. Fred Williamson Ltd. to redesignate
the Williamson lot, corner Bridge and Hammond Sts., to Light Industrial on The Future
Land Use Plan of the Municipal Development Plan (and the North End Neighbourhood Plan)
from its present Park and Open Space designation. (1st & 2nd readings given June 18).
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th July, 1979.
28. Committee of the Whole report (July 9).
29: Land Committee re proposed closing of a portion of St. James Street at its extreme eastern
end and sale of said property to Mr. Celime Vautour.
30. Land Committee re purchase of property, Sandy Point Road, Harrigan Lake area from Messrs.
James G. McAllister and J. Ladds Batten.
31. Land Committee re exhcange of property with Mr. Stephen R. Wills, Kingsville Road and
Hawtrey Street.
32. Land Committee re surrender of lease of Mr. Kurt Gantz re property, 114 Orange Street.
33. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning of property, southeastern side of Ellerdale Street
for Mr. Richard Watters.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning of property, Somerset Street for Norman W. Francis.
35. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning of property, 4 Milford Road for Loyalist Enter-
prises Limited.
36. Planning Advisory Committee re amendment to development agree with Poly Cello Limited re
property, St. James Street.
37. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision application from Federal Department of Public
Works re property, corner of Bayside Drive and Willett Avenue.
38. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision application from Allten Limited re property,
east side of Ragged Point Road.
39. Saint John Transit Commission submitting capital expenditure forecast for 1979.
40. Saint John Transit Commission re traffic change for buses at Kane's Corner.
41. Re job evaluation, Local 486 (Councillor Landers)
42: Letter from Mr. Fred W. Roemmele, Chairman, Cherry Brook Zoo of Saint John Inc. re change
in by-laws to increase membership of Board of Trustees.
43. Letter from Mr. R. L. Boyce re traffic situation at the corner of Harris Street and
Paradise Row.
44. Letter from Mr. Raymond Lloyd, President, M. Gerald Teed Home & School Association re-
questing installation of traffic lights at Millidge Avenue and University/Woodward Avenues.
45. Re-zoning application from Mr. Bernard McGrath re property, 671 Charles Street (formerly
59 Catherwood Street).
46. Letter from Mr. G. C. Mouland, General Manager, Port of Saint John, re results of Dominion
Fire Commissioner's 1978 Fire Safety Competition.
47. Letter from The Honourable Charles Gallagher, Provincial Minister of Historical Resources,
re designation of City Market as a Provincial historic site.
48. Letter from Nancy E. Clark, M.L.A., re parking restrictions, Princess Orange and Duke Sts.
49. Petition from residents of Colpitts and Armstrong Avenues re sewerage and road surfacing.