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ffr 1"" AGE~ 1. Hee~n.c; c~J.1€:ci tel ord~r, 2. G~'irr:Lc.. tion of uinutes l' 's r ' 'r ' 3 . }JiYo ' tc l!lri_ S . COMl-iOl. com;CIL as at 10th December, 1976. ,~.oo p.n.. DeC6mher 13 - prlt~rer. )r;OVt;f;lber 29; December (,). CITY l,jldlilGl Jt , !~€cp0rt l'e Bt'"...;,ll stuu.::", iu'.rkt',t ~::!Uid'(: aevelo,)jtnt, b;y L";.Gv. 5: Heport in rt:l;l~r to ~;Clint .I',Jlm H"rbcllU' l.i~iir.;;, :'ro,i)'l::s,;iVt; (;onserV,tti.Hl i;,~;B')e. lttter re ck'.'t,~() j)"er:t of the 1.;.ilfol'(i-~ '.'<'I luo1;>h "-rea. 6. l~e:)()rt rt: ti;n_,brs .ror :)uli(~e vt;Liclt:s. .~ ,'rh." Fir.c',nci<1l :;t,htt:Len~s - UctotH;r. ';~"8-.;"... Pi-~-r.lent of invoices. ') ~ LEo i)Ort re Li\rsh Cnek flood control. lu. Prol;res8 payments re pr'>jt:cts underti-J.:en under Dej)t.Le,~i(>n<!.l i,conouici .xp;msioll i)l"O,<;r<lilme _11. 1"ro';1";S5 IXlj'l,lents re ~;<:1pil,til pr')jects. '~~..(ep:)rt re tt-:n16rn for cle(cnin:~ <md pninting ',,1 l)~Ii1Mve. sti-'.ndpipe. 13. L(;port rEo 501ill \ic:.stL disp\)Gal. 11... tee bf,)loyee l,e!i(;fit Pl,tns. , l4A.]>Ci~lat-nt ot invoice, Thon.hB Indu~trlal :.Jcllt:s Ltd., re hilforu-Eandolph-GrfH,nd,u.e seher. l4B.te sub-ciivision Clsreenent hith ,]anford H.7ilOmpson Construction Co.Ltd.re Birch\lOod :3ub-di' l1..C.heport 1'e ;lilver l"c,lls PRrk acces~ 1'OCid. 14D.Pcl;)1:ient of G.~;.I>C:crbour Co.1..1;,d. invoices re I1cinager.lent of Barbour's Generc:.l ~..tore. l4T..Le hunicip<ll Incentive l;'rants use. litF ~Le purchH~;e of pc:: rkiI18 meters. lhG.He P<trking Heter IJ~r-L:'lvi. GOHHOH CLlln~ 15. 7hird l'f."ding 01' J.unicipal Deve10p:wnt :)lan B:r-Lci\{ Cltlt,ndment for ;~anf()rd H. r}~hotlpf;on ~;). Ltd. re ;)li..tcin~ propert~r at ~outh{last"5_ l.v cO~le1' of Ocenn \itstw~- and KirL'; illiam B ~n ;itc:.t;e I (1st ~( 2nd r(;adings g~ven Dec. " 197b) 1(,. (c,) 'l'hird reC:ding 01' hunieipal DurtlloIDerlt. - Plan hy-Lm-l amendrlent for Kenneth .i.. ; of tell !'~ lc.nci on northo'ly side 01' Latilher u,ke HOCtd (1st (( 2nc1 rU.dini;s gh'(~ti ~). c.(),1976i (:,) ',~hir(1 rei-'uing of ~on::_ng B~r-.Lcl\'i ilI:l€IidHent to re-zone for Kenneth L. jjofte11 1,.110 on, ri(ll'tht,rl~r side of LCitiue1' LcJa; LOcui (1st (~ 2nd readings gi'ft:n Dec. 6,19'lh). CI'"1'Y ~)uLICI'l'OR 17. he[>ort re lkciEion re J1uguntine et ,,1 va. Cit~r and Police Dept. nemou's. 171,.I:tjJort re rfque;ited solicit.ors fee schedule 01' tariff. "^,, . G01.JHI~'T.i J:S 18. ?l<::~u1iTl,i~ hllvisor;- Co:-.ruttee re ,1nenctirl{; Ganneil rt;solut,ion of ~)f;pt. H, 1-.9"5 ;"or rf;-~;orli "of ;.icLett pl',.);krt~r ,it 1..1 J,-J.el,iide ~~treet cind rt Durb,n ~)t,ret'"t. lc;.llinnini; "(1v~.~ :)r;r C,>;:,nittee re licensed restal..r~nts. 191;.. L, nd Co, ,ri tt.t-t' rt: (a ~J [.: J'.J\~L 20. I e (" b::.ridoned lirie ~~ilI4S in northmmt(;rn s (;c....or of ci t:.r (C;JUncillol" P:rc). 21. L,~ttp.r J'rOL ",in"!. .Jqhn l)il,tricl, l.ctbour Council re nt;c'J for ne.; L1J,r;lr;'r. 22. Letter ;"1'OL ~,<int Jo~m Hm'!x>ur Liciin,;, Pro:-;reSf>ive Conservcttive j',~,f,()C. rc: route cf nt" L:..<r '::"~i thrOl,-,;L ~.ilror(i-c:cmdol:)!, ;'rea, and nort., end oj' cit;,r. ::.:-;. h" ili~d,j.on from \ <,11,..1' F. C-olctinc; Ooiurt2'uction Co. Ltd. for rcnov"tion of 14(" ; tt~rloo ~:t., :.!; ch.ferrt.d ~\:i(t{ :~ri: l)~r-lcq~. r:r~0. :2.4. nnplic;;-t,iclr. l'roL .T')Ln Js l':;e J.l'd it,ect i..i; ;10ed for !,('-~~oLint: t.o !Jt:ll"T.lit ...-lid.ricl: :t,.lty Lt:l. t.o clE'vc;=:"op C: r.r)t,el or. l<cJ.lli~;ter Drive. ;~5. Lt-.ttt.;r j'ror.l .l..!"I. Bri<...rl ~i". l..'.)~/}ltr of ~,,~J...t.:'''J 1kO;irH~1" /c .~tHrrLon, :r:;\plt; ~t,ir1:~t.,h':Lt .-:t~. r1. :.. :'f;corcL bf !JcrI;li ttecl t.':l ;,11,,:1' uncter.;rou!lcl :)0\-'('1' lines ;',;rcb i( r.t re hit; (;u1'-nivj_~;ior,.