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.(("1 .lJ. CCk-pH ~~ - u at 3rdDe.wv. 1976. .1. )~ectnr.CI'.J.ledto order. 7.00 n.T.".. De~'ber' I> - pJ"A~"t~r. 2. i~r' erennr}~. 3. ~.ooQ.;'l.. - !'roposed RJ';'lend1'lcnttJt hludel;lI'I1 ?lI!n !::'.Lv:t! tor ;:antnrd H. ';.'hQ'lpson Co. Ltd., . ' .to ~t$1'ld. :ic'.l,t;dw.e 9-- tl"t~ 51.1: ';1ng l~, Ihm1elpul J"-wloln'~nt. Plan, to include \:ith Stl;.;;e I (rl,tJ,t!' t};~n~n't~Bf~,t ~lUq~ 2) c1JI.Bs'.1'icH't.:_onan Ctr~n of 11;:'J([ (~,t tht; eo:"rteJ' o! .Jct!l:n -,:t.~t",,,;r f!B\ JJ.llC\illlllf'l ;:,ocLd. 4. 'l.U~ i,,:4.- ,:':;'UIlCl8ft<1, .NiIr.,. ;ncUlefrt., (~1' ~.-lUlic1~, Plan.' i>:_'-J..ntt.for J\.t~m~tJ,' I L.. 1.w-t.elJ., 1;0 p.l.Rc~ \c. i..r. l.o~ll'ti IJrOIl8rt~t on DOl't,J,~1..V nUt" or l.at.jncr laktttWftd.lJ.djt..cent. to the ~uteMl'i..oe.t. ~nl~rWl(~-e to J.i;t.1,mt:r l.nke l'Dl4.le lJ.(l(;"U; Park, 11. a light ww;'l.or"1.al w;c LlJ"Ub ins1.~t.d. ut :;;'1.0 cur-runt. J..,,",t:ltA'1~1t~' l't;uid.ent1~ et.at.ua. (ll) -2TOpoHd IlIWIUit!nt. ot ~n1ne~ Hy.l.hw 1'(11" iiDm_t.nJ... 1.ott.eU. toO re-~~ the rear ilOrtlioh 01' 'tilt: ..hovt.. tNIt;d ill"Opert.y, 1:.0 ptn.i1. t.h~ Cft1ili.blJ.elJllt:nt (It'rOof/. Ituto bod~' .anOj)ht. iiLt! r~.r u1' l:.llt 1.()ftell rt;tiid.ence. (cl - .A..;"'~rt'J'OIil P1Mlnin~ l...lvit1ury \.oJllUt1;,tte rEo 11,~~ 4. (~) ~1XJ. (b). . CI':.'Y. ~~Uii~~ " , s. i\'et~ J'ltt v1~OU&uop trt$ -1ett.t:r trou l~. l;..r.?i~lar. 16l I~. 4\""..).. 6. !... ....xteneWt' of t.tr.Ie tor locc.t.iono1' J~ltiur~ liiu'boura Hd. t.tCljXB"tU7 r,~ orn-... lDr..g '.Jw"1". . ,. 7. ltt:por'tre bida 1'or pri.nt~n2~of tour1st.lt-wrai.ure. 8. t.e pa~'t.,m. cU' 1:n-.olcea. " ' ' 9. l~gN8.~", Ii }lI"Ojt.ct.\D1cr't..bkHll 1B1er Dept..ieg1onal ~nar4c l~}lkn8iClll .~. l<J. ~~nt or flOOOum" A68oc1atedCont.~Rtlr ?ran.port~t.ian. ,,1916 ~ York Pert Da)" 1'uMU.on, 11. rot>l)~,{ rt: .1et.t.er~rQl,. ~irs. lstber CrhJ1d(~ conc:~nl1rtgao~C'.Y or DeW" 'J"tiport. in Toronto ""l.ohe ~l iifdl. ' 12. ?3-0&"J"t:88 pa~1i~nt reA PJ'"Ojuct. URier~.'n unuer Ilept. .Ji.eg:1anR1 Acouca1e ~)QIlaian JrOgJ'ft8iltt. 34. ':.'h1;rd Ni~1got ~t to Trat1"1~~k2Jaclruad1npg1",Hov. 29. 19.,(,). 'CN:'e~ 14J..lU1:,:t~t1.M ,.. leA.. ot l)t6JJ.l, i(aCk. . and 1l\U."ft:NI1d11i8..,.... to Hnare. Lr1c .Lcatmd e.nc1, \jfj1M'~t.bu"1ancI.. , . ' 14B.1Le p2"0l)QlHld.acceaa .......:r W-.rom.rm..dWa:r .1"raa Vwstl.lorlaDcl Hel. t.o 'Weutor'neDd ot !~cht.e1CresctClt. (~UDCW.or~). " lS.L&.rldCCXl4!.D.t.t.eeJ"e}XUoDS8 of land. lDct 1amand 1.&.~h<<1, 1"rC&i Mr.. lielbollJ"l1l: "1};.OOn. ' mx~' 16. Jitd.ght8otCol__.s.4.nt~ ,John CouncU. l~. 937," l.t,l:v1V :.icene 1n .ntlgi.iquare. 11. l~.CiUh~p AI Bo7ce 1Mt.t.er.req_e~ pm;:tlJOfterlunt.Qt re-zOld.na Qt Sout.b hnd j&rea proper1i1ea(0I'l Ge..-tn ;ltu ltetwet>.n' IT1ncuaalllJdthleen st.a.) cwlftfld b7 ,'trlA. 18. Grove l.atat,..Ltd.J"ett.er. NCfltt~ )J08t.po....t. of J"6-osoning of SOuth llad &reapropert-1.n- (on (;(,-n,~in~t..~".,tm ?rl.nceas 14M, ,-,Ml St4.) ownec1 ~..t.he~. 19. Pt::t1tJ,orl trClil t.clantaot Cit,:'-owned ~k111g lotaon \:at.er S~. t.obave sole .e 01" the saidlotsWhidl tt.lll' rent. 1"1"011 t.11r.C:1t.y. ' 2O..1.etter t~ )11".. ,}4.aun,ce (;.~tp8on. l~.k. " ~nt,loht.,.ul211tt.S.nu 8ug&eat1Onato reao1- traffic pr()b1et18 on Ba..vaWe Drl:veat. th*' :ialnt ,John Ib7dodcMcl ~h1pbu11d1ng plant.. 2l.Lett.er troft Un:1veJ"'S1~'hQt.1t.1l'S Club,' 1nsupport ot the Harket &}UIU"e cd.docentN CClnplex. 22. Let1if:r 1"rQm __. l:alcoJm K. CamP. It.U. , (iloJ"Ni.), Sa1nt.1ohn,re t1)~ 'hazard atCo1on1al li.1~~h1.88ut~v181on. 23 ..Let.t.er 1'J"OA ,Socj"al ~ierri.ce. Caunell .:>t Greater ~It. ,fohn re nettd for arl iLproved bue aemce. '.4. Lett.er fJ'Olil ~l'1tJohn :'o11eeam's ?rott:ct1ve J\a~t.1on,Loca.l 61..C.U.P.l.., requuat1b& C: C(lmr of the e8tElb1.1ettrl1ent.tor sp1o:rett8 ll::1tli:.J1 the?ol1ce rcrCMt. 25. lAttt::lt 2'1'QII1 M1nt. .lohl) Po11efUlftta ProtecUve Aa_$t,j,on. Lo~l 61, C.U.P.l~.. re approach ot ,Chief otPoJ.1ce to ~th. POUc. }'o... 26. Lett..- fJWA Hr.. llouglE:.aH:1.tton. 'seekS.ItI a '~la h1s propoawl. UDder recentftt-zord.ng 'ot -'1~ Go~GJ"0V8 11d.. 't.o 1>>'l'IIlt. an aut,Gbocb" re~.op. rt. JLppl1_t.iOlltorJ'l8~ ..fraIl........1Iia lirnIataenwJ.t4., per Mr. .Johnti. JWAry. , ~wr" .,N unde-1opiHd "porUonot ,.J..anctoalicNariilara DrJ._and' BoIMDr1.ws.nl6clMtmara .' ~Ub-<.11n81on. LBkewood. -28..pPUcat1o~ . tor' -r.e-r.oaing 1"raI1 Nr. 'Jumert.W. It1ftL nJOJw1'f'11.1,tt .",HS.ncaub-d1v1s1on. Lot , '604,!U.1l1dae AYe. wen. .top8ftll1t the ~t.l"UdUoD ~ aW1ding toJ>.....ad.t.y canvt.1l1encesUre an:la1"fi.ce. ~ f ., ,_ .",..'~~'_ ...c,...._.." .....,." co. .,~.,;:"",.-~......",.......,........!~.=,......"..~.,.,.....".. '.,......~- .'",....' ~~... ...._>~,~."~.,.....,..... ,~ "'''"lm.-",'' lilt. 1li'ji,1I' c' .. .' 0',,",,_, ,,_..-...,..>,__ .....'_, .,_~ __........~,.. ~...._..:~. .... -, .,,~., __'0' fI" I ........... 4l~~',!*"--\i.i;;iil\).~,k;j;,~'il;','I,\:0it'''i,''',,,J