COMMON COUNCIL - as at 26th November, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., November 29 - prayer.
2. confirmation of minutes (November 15 & 22).
3. Mayor1s remarks.
3A. Presentation of three Certificates of Merit by Councillor MacGowan, Chairman of the
Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee, to residents who have beautified
their properties in 1976.
4. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme.
5. Report of Division of Technical and Inspection Services, including Plumbing (September),
and quarterly report of the Works Branch of the Engineering and Works Dept. (July, August
and September).
6. Payment of invoices.
7. Report on proposed seawa.ll, Market Square development.
8. Re Saint John Throughway and Wall Street Interchange.
9. Re fire alarm voice communication system in City Hall building.
10. Re agreement with N. B~ Tel for placing of poles and anchor on City-owned land, Willie Ave.
11. Re repairs to 1974 Roller.
12. Re leasing of equipment for Finance Department, E.D.P. Section.
13. Payment of invoices of FENCO Consultants Ltd. re soils investigation and preliminary study
of Market Square Seawall.
13A.Report on Three Mile Tavern.
14, Re amendment to Traffic By-Law regarding truck routes.
15, Re proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law concerning restaurants licensed to serve alcoholic
16. Resignation of Mr. George T. Clark, Q. C. as Counsel and Chief Legal Officer.
17. Land Committee re tenders for sale and removal of Atlantic Speedy Propane building,
Bayside Drive.
18. Planning Advisory Committee re amendments to Zoning By-Law regarding group homes.
18A,Board of Trustees, Civic Employees Pension re meeting with Mr. John Tarrel of Eastern
Canada Consulting Services Ltd.
19. Letter from Mr. Gerald T. Casey, Solicitor, on behalf of Mr. Reginald Jesso re water
run-off from senior citizens home of Carleton-Kirk United Church.
20. Letter from Mrs. Esther Crandall re news report.
21. Letter from Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, re public
statements of Chief of Police.
22. Letter from Kiwanis Club of Saint John re professiona.l development of City Police.
23. Letter from Mr. C. L. Parkinson re parking arrangements on Alexandra Street.
24. Letter from Mr, Douglas A. M. Evans, solicitor for Inspector and Mrs. Joseph O'Toole
re issuance of building permit for Lot 26(B) between 333 and 345 Charlotte Street West.
24. Letter from Liquor Licensing Board giving notice of hearing of application from Faye Mexis
for a restaurant license for premises at 186 Union Street.