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.J ll~ ~dlHtlDs called to order, ..00 :D.... ~ber 15 - prqer.
; ~ 2~':- ..II'ti-t1on ot Jllinutea (November 1 " 8).
, ~,Ma70r'.'~ka.
.01 Jtt' ,4.15 :D.m. _ Presentation b7 Mr. Leonard C. Jones on behal:t ot Environment
~ .:'~i,>~ Protection Serv1ae.Ltd.re diSpo8al ot retuse containers.
.,:' ..
",. Report re bids 'tor supplying and installing a wing plough on a City-owned grader.
. 6i' ,PaJmentot invoices.
'. 1. ,: :Progress ~ts re projects undertaken under Dept. R.eg1onal Economic Expansion programme,
:8.' .P.rosress~nts re Capital project.
9. Report ot 1I'ire Department - September.
:10. Reclosure ot undeveloped Oakland Terrace and the extension ot NevmanStreet.
. ..
~ " ,
ll. ,Land Committee re sale ot a 30-toot strip ot land on Donaldson street to Mr. 'Demetris
Bo1mtala.. " ,'.,'
1.2. z.ndC~ttee re cloBure and Bal.e o't a portion" tvo'tirelanes, on '8berbrookeand
S1mma, streets 'to OlandB New BrUnmck Brewery Limited.,
13. Land COIIIDlittee re amending ,ot reeelution authorizing payment ot campensation to Mr. A. T.
Bi.cltettB re property.. Second Loch Lomond. ' . ,.., " '
14. Land Committeere Bale o't land on northern side o't Molson Avenue to Mr. Leigh Webster.
~5. Planning Adv1soryCODIIIli ttee re acceptance bY' Ci tT ot' pap,ent in lieu ot ~and tor' public
, . ~seB1'rom:tlobert B. Stewart. ' .' . " ";, ,', -, "
16~;PJ.ann1ng Adv1sol7 COIIIII1ttee ~re ,varr1ng o~ r.esolutionto adopt a new plan tor Phase 1,
Part 1 ot B1gbmeadov Park.... .', " '. '
11. Report ot Market Square Developaent Oamrdttee.' . " ,
18. 'l'rat't1c and Sat'ety CClIIIIIlittee re 'l'ra1'tic and Sa'tety Education Program.
19. Traffic and Satety CCIIIII1ttee re~OIIIIIlend1ng amendment to, ~c B7-Lav re 'truck ',routes.
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, .
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.20. Ite 1ir&tticsigns anda'tormc1rains in Silver Falls hr)t~, (Councillor Py'e) ~ . ,'.
,21. Rerepa1rato portion ot Antho!l7's Cove .,eaVal1(Councillor Pye).
22. 'Letter tram lzeeidents ot aU civic ,groups 're pension 'plan design.
23., Letter tram Department o't Municipal. Af'f'airs8ubm1tting St1.mulat1on Grant Agreement tor
24. Letter from Mr. G. 1I'0rbes Elliot, Acting Vice-P'BB8ident (Saint John), Univt!rsitY' o't New
Brunswick requesting grant tor Artist-in-Residence progrem.
25. Letter trom Ocean Steel & Construction Ltd. re 'pedestrian sisnal, Chesley Dri..,e.
26. Letter trom Saint John Harbour Riding o't the Progressive Conservation Association re
appointment by Council o't comm1 ttee to anal.78e 'the po s'''bili ty ot improving the area
around ICing Street West.
21. Letter from The Gleaners Society o't Germain Street Baptist Church protesting proposed
construction ot parking garage in tbe Trinity Block.