1976-11-08_Agenda ~:~" ...., -'it" A'Q-A~ nA /; J', COJH)N COUNCIL - al at 5th x.v.ber. 1976.'''1 I , '~. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. Uovember 8 - ~r. 2. Hayor's remarks. ,. _ Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for Ur. Daniel R. Tobias) l.ots 16, 17 and 18, Block 5, Courtenay Bay Heights Sub-cl.ivision (knO'Wf,l as civic number 60 I~eBent ~t.), to perDdt erection of a 2-storey 3-family dwel,.l1.ng. . ./ - Letter from Planning J\.dvi60~r Conm.ttee re said proposed re-zoniJl&e' 7.0U p.m. (a) 4. 7.2JJ p.m. .- He proposed Subdivision By-Law amendrlents:- (a) - Hr. Robert l1cKinst~~, President, Housing and Urban Develof.l'llent Jtssociat1on 01 Canada - Saint John and District Assoc., to be pre,sent to make presentation. (b) - Mr. John G. Kell..v, Barrister, to be present to Inake presentation. ( c) - Letter from City l1anager. CITY l-lANAGl1t 5. },eport re tenders t.o demolish 146 Bellevue St.~ l~st, and 177-179 Canterbury St. 6. Payment of invoice (j~al heatty hotor Hotel) re Saint John Port Days. 7. Recreation and Parks Dept. report - July, A\1bPllst and Sep~ber. 8~Report. ot Division ot 'l'echrdcal am Inspection Sernces, including Pluobing - September! 90 l"inancialStatem.ents - ~ptember. ' 10. Heport re tenders to demolish City property at 109 Britain St. ll~ Progresspe.yznents re projects undertaken under JJept.Regional hconomic Expansion programrae. 12. Pregres8 payments re Capital projects. . 13. Report re t'looding on Edith Ave., Hegent St. and Belgrave st. 14. Re Police transporta, 1977. . ~ 15. Re Marsh Creek. ilSA.Re solid wCistedioposal. I 15B. Pafment of invoices. ! 15e.. ~re'1fedaer~~!fuo 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. , 27. " r 28. .', 29. :,./ 30. '" . . I, ~,;, . COlHlN CLERK 16. Letter from City,So'licitor 1"8 proposed. Zoning By-Law amendment for re-zoning ~or The Rooca Group Ltd. approximate~ 25.4 acres of land between Manawagcn1sh Rd. and the nreaprevious ly referred to ao Nelson Vale (now referred to by The Rocca Group as vJestgate Park). (a)- Tbird reading 01' proposed amendment to HunicipaJ. DeveloJDent Plan re ahove narJ~ld proposed develoJXllent.(lst &. 2nd readings given Oct. 25, 1976) (b) - Third rending of proposed amendL1ent to Zoning by-Law re said-1!roJ.lOsed I'E~-zoninb"5(lAt.64t ala ,njaaUlfJ8 g~V€rl uC!t;.... ,r.'!? J 17. (<1) - 7hird reading of propofied anendment to Hunicipal DeveloJEent Pllm }Oe Dougll!s. Litton proposal to locate on his property at 187 Golden Grove Ud. an auto bod:' rep;~ir shop (1st tc 2nd readings given Oct. 25, 1976)0 , (b) - Third reading of proposed amendment to Zoning By-Lr'l."; to re-zone DouglCl~ hi.t.ton property c t 187 Golden Grove Ild. to permit said auto bod.Y repair shop tht~reon - resolution required to make said re-zoning proposP.l pW1suant to :.Jection :19 of the COLlTlunity Planning Act (1st & 2nd readings given ~~ept.. 13.. 1976). CITY ~oLICrTOR l'e eX;Jropriation ot' thf: Fireproof Alley fronting on JJelson 5t. and iL:unediatel.v to the r€Cir of lots I'ronting on JJorth 11arkE:t \'harf a.n:1 Dock St.: l~otice of Intent.ion to ti~m;op- I,le control of ttnopeds" in playground. areas, etc. ' r (J e. . GOMHIT1'LLS Land Committee re payment of bill from Thorne, Riddell &. Co. re claim 01' Lr. Rohert \ a tt;rs) Loeb Lc)mond. Rd. Letter fror"l St.rtlb &. Little Holdings Ltd.. re land oft rairvil.le Blvd. (a) - Htport 1"6 said land use; Lcmd Committee's recommendation to rescind JunE.; 25,i..975CCQ PlC\mling J.dvisory Conu::d. ttee re appJ.ication trom Mrs. Valerie McCa.vour re mol>ile home. Planning Advisory Committee re request from l/ianford 1-1. 'l.'hompson Construction Co. Ltd. fOir cunendment to ~chtldule 9-A. - tt.e ~tagin!~ Plan. 01' the J.iunicipal DeveloIncnt. Plan - to includ~ the area indicated on submit.ted print wit.hin Stage 1. Tourist ~nd Convention DevelDJXilent Committee rc aeveloJlllent of Reversing falls Park. GE.NF1U~ Requests fran Citizens Comui ttee re a.nnu&.l Santa Claus Parade. nequE~st from ~)tudents' Representative Council. Univt~rsity of N. B. in, Saint John'Inc., for Council rescUution recognizing "National Stments Day". ' Saint John City nail Lillployees' Union, Local 486, C.U.I).E., re handrallings on City Hall building stairwa)rs. . Saint John City Hall1:lap10yoes' Union, local 486, C.U.P.E.. re Fir,~ Orders, City Hall. Appllcati?n from Saint John School of .Marine Technology for a grant. . j Application from South End. Lit.tle League for approval am support for (a) Skate~'(f4hon; (b) giant weiner roast; (c) fireworks display atter said weiner roast. ,6\!;