1976-10-25_Agenda .. ..... AGENDA. COMKOtl COUNCIL - &s at 22nd October, 1976. .J,..' Heeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. October 25 - prayer. 2. Kayor's remarks. (a) _ Proposed Bmf'ndment to Zoning B~r-La:w tor the Rocca Group Ltd. to re-zone 25.L~ acres on ncrth side of 11an8\-lagonish H.d. approximately (me-half rnile east of int.ersection with Gault lload, between property owned by Dr. S. Clark and the I~l BrunS,"lick Electric Power Commission Substation (now or forJ:lerly the Carvell property), to One-Family !iesidential, JlIultiple Residential, and General Business classifications, plus minor adjustments in the adjoining residential zones in the propci)sed (former) l~elson Vale df;wlol:ment - to provide for the e..'dension of and access to the develO}1Uent of \!est Vale lfonnerly t~f'lson Vale) and to later seek Planning Advit;ory Cocr.rl..t.tee approval for a shopping centre in the 15- to 16-acre General Business zone. - Letter from Plc1ll.ning Ad.viso~rCorncittee rf' above. - Letter ot objection from Dr. Stephen D. Clark. _ Proposed amendment to Hunicipal DeveloIJllent Plan tor the Rocca Group Ltd., to rechssif'y portions of the above described lam. trOOl low density residential to mediwn density residential am district centre commercial use areas - to establish }:E.rt of the area for multiple family housing and to set aside laOO for a potential tuture Dhopping centre. - Letter from Planning AdviSOI"jr Conmittee (see Item 3(a) ). 3. 7.00 P.n. (a) (b) 7.00 p.m~ 4. 5. 7..00 p.m. .. Proposed lUllendment to the Hunicipal Developncnt Plan tor Anderson Insurance Ltd. by removing fr<a l'iajor Institutional uses to sub-centre Commercial uses the former church building at 77 Coburg Street lind the lot at its rear next to 28 Gard.en Street and across the street from 21, 23 and 25 Garden Street. (a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Coocittee re above. 6. 7.00 p.m. - Propalled amendment to the liunic1pal DewlDJJIlent Plan for Mr. Douglas Mitton by removing from Law Density Uesidential and. placing in. a Light Industrial area the pro~rty at 1'87 Golden Grove Rd. opposite the intersection of i,est- morland Rd. and next to the entrance to Golden Grove Heights - to permit the location of an auto body repair shop.. CITY MAllAGl'1t 7. Progress pa~'IIlents re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion prqzr~~me. 8. Progl'ess payments re Catlital projects. 9. Heport re tenders to demolish Ci ty-ov.ned property at 12 l'allsview Avenue. 10. Re Chris U;lCiS de cora ti va 11gh ting. ll. He eviction of tenants from 61 Paradise 1'0\'1. 12. he fixed loca'tion of City advertising in local newspaper. (see cop~r of :'lanning Jldvisory CoL1Ldttee letter of September :>1~, 1976). 13. Payrat:nt of invoices. llh l~eport re ....enders to deoolish propert~r it 23 l1ill St. CI'l'Y SULICI'l'OR 15. Approval of arbit.ration fees. 16. He desire of hr. D. .r. Margaris to lease space in City Harket, and of 111'. Francis Balemans to lease a waU~-in cooler. COl-DiITThl:1)-. COHtUSSIONS 17. Acceptance by Cit~r of payments in lieu of land for public purposes from: (1) !toy Hyacinthe Sub-divisionj (2) Gilco Bearing aOO Supply CompllllYj (3) L. J. lJilliams 1-operty. 18. Saint Jolm H"mling Counission re system to process housing projects through the various City Helll departtlents in co-operat.ion \-lith the Cornnission. 19. ~)nint Jolm PCirking COli'llussion subnitting H :report for H proposed parking structure in the Trim t~r Block. GElnlU\L 20. Letter from 1"11'. \lilliEllll M. Eyan. solicitor for Hr. Gregory C. Henton, requesting repayment to Mr. Renton of I:I.'.lllies paid in lieu of land for public purposes. 21. Letter from Salnt John Board of Trade re retention of former Capital Theatre building a8 a city landmark. 22. Letter from l~st D~rs Inc. re City contribution to expenses of lass Saint John in participating iri the Hiss CE\l1Cl.da Pageant. 23. Letter from lir. Uelvin J. Doucette, 1-1el's Auto Sales, re relocation ot car lot from Carmart,hen St. site; requestion extension of time. 24. Letter frc:m Senior Citi1.ens Services Saint John Inc., applying for renewal of lease CJ~ Market building premises, for 1977. ~5. Letter from Senior Citizens Services Saint John Inc.. app~ for 1977 grant to co~r rental ot Market premises. 26. Application from Young Hen's Christian Jussoc. for 197" grant. ~~ l{Ulttter from Saint John Art.s Council Inc. requesting that the City underwrite produCtion of "Yeoman of The Guard". it a detiait occurs. . . "