1976-10-18_Agenda .. , . 21. 22. 'V 23. 24. ~' 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. ;,' F. U 1) A ) ,1'. 2. 3. C())H)B COUllCIL - a8 at 15th October. 1976. Neet1D8 called. to order, 4.00 P.Il. to October 18 - prayer. eoDt1rmation ot m1nute8 (October 4 & 12). NalOr'8 remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Be use ot motor bikes 111 p1qgroUlld areas. , 5. Re concern expressed by'Dougla.s lake Pure Water Protection Association re sewerage 87stem proposed tor the enlargement at the Loch Lamond School. 6. Report re request ot S&1nt John Harbour Riding Progressive Conservation Association tor action on removal of the level rail~ crossing at Church Avenue. T. Progress p~ent re capital pro.1 ect. 8. Progress p~nts re projects UIldertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme. 9. ~ent ot invoices. 10. Financial Statements - August. 11. Report re tenders tor demolition ot 14 Drury' Lane; 61 Paradise Row; and 147 Queen Street. 12. Re proposed improvements tor Billcrest Park (Quinton Heights). 13. Re purchase of boom crane un! t. 14. Re request by Port Daye Comad ttee to retain proti ts :from 1976 Port Days. 15. Re telephone service to Kierstead Trailer Park. 16. Re purchase of new tire meter to liational Harbours Board property. COMMON CLERIC 11. Third reading ot proposed amendment to the by-law tor the East Developllent Scheme, vi th respect to the f'ront yard requirement ot Lot 15 (1st & 2nd. readings given Oct. 12. 1916). ~8. . COMM1"I."x~ Planning Advisory COIIIIli ttee re acceptance of money in lieu ot public purposes land , re (1) Jerome Horgan Subdivision; (2) Louis Thompson Subdivision; and (3) Vietor Mignatti Subdivision. Civic Impr.-Elent and Beautitication Committee re programme ot reconstruction of sidewalks in u;&Jtown area ot City. Market Co1IIm1ttee re lease ot stall formerly occupied by Perry's Meat Market to Francis Balemans and lease at ottice space to Eleanor Janes. 19. .20. GENERAL Letter trom Mr. D. J. Margaris re retusal by Market Committee to lease space in City Market building. Letter from Board ot School Trustees. School District No. 20, re petition ot parents ot children in the Ketepec area seeking transportation to Xetepec Elementary and Morna H'~s Schools. Letter trom Board at School Trustees, School District No. 20, re petition ot reslb.tl*s ot Danells Drive and Allingham Crescent area re lack at transportation tor students attedding Havelock School. Letter trom Mr. D. W. Blair. Vice-President, Atlantic Region. CIaB. Railvq re proposal for rail commuter service to serve communities between Saint John and Sussex. Letter trom Ottice ot the Minister, Canada Post. re possibility of establishing a sub post offlee in West Saint John. Letter trom Glen FaJ.ls Flood Committee requesting written report on progress of im- plementing the recommendations at the Proctor and Redtern Report and progress concerning "holding tanka" tor Westmorland Grove Heights housing development. Letter ~om Visiting Homemaker Services Committee of The Canadian Red Cross Society requesting grant trom. the City tor 1917. Letter trom South End Development Corporation IDe. identitying two abandoned buildings in the South End under the Fire Prevention Act. Letter trom Saint John Barbour Riding Pro~essi ve &onservation Assoc. urging adoption at a policy tor development at services to the Milford-Randolph area, Letter trom Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61 re revisionsot Rules and Regulations governing the City Police Force. Letter from Mr. C. L. Long, 874 Manawagonish Road, proposing delay of decision re group homes pending plebiscite. '"