1976-10-12_Agenda \ . A 'G ]I; " D A COMMON COmlCIL - a8 at. 8th October, 1976. 1. J(eet.:1ng called to order. 7.00 P.r.a.. Tuesda..v~ October 12 - prayer. 2. }.f.a.yor's remarks. 5ulmission re troposed committee to study possibilities of developnent ot the 1:e t Side ,Kiru! ;>t. are . ~ l'. '4-. . . 2A. Report from Planning neU. am Ji~con11rnic Deveto~f}8pt.. re deve10pnent ot West SJ.de King St.. area. 3. 1.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to the by-law tor the East DeveloJElent Scheme, Phase I, to pemit a variance in the Scheme rc tront yard. set-back for Lot 75. Boyaner Cres(~cnt. 4. - Mrn.Hur:,' T. Goyle" Dr. Kevin J. Bonner, Hr. Joseph Peter Coyle, }'irs. Shirley C. UacGallUlll, to appear to GhO'tT caue e ~rhy the building at 146 Bellevue St. should not be rCllloved or' destroyt.>d. as a dangeroUB or dilapidated building. S. 7.45 p.m. - Va'. Francois Maillet, Jorover Holdings Limited, Nova Scotia Savings &. I.ca.n Co., to appear to shot: cause why the building at 177-179 Canterbury St. should. not be ret1OVt..>d. or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 2...30 p.m. CITY MANAGER 6. Re bida tor sup~ing butterfly valves. 7~ He quotations bids tor supplying t.,'U8rd. redl. 8. Re Provincia114unicipa1 Council ot Province of N. B. er.lployees' pension study. 9. Re tenders tor paving re 1976 Recreation and Parks capital programme, F'orest Hills !>ark - continued dcvelopllent,. 10. Draft of proposed 'q.' Subdivision By-Lawamendment8. (sce items l6and 17). ll. Re quotations tor concrete curbing, Nci;ghbourhooci Improvement. Programme, South End. 12. Heport re l.eighbourhood Improvement Programr.., South End '- and request of South Lnd Tenants' Associaticm Inc. (see itan 18). . CITY SOLICITOR l2A.Re request. tram Portsllays CoJmnittee to retain profits of 1976 Ports Days. , COMMlTTEl~ 13. Comm:.i.ttee ot thole I'epOrt '(September 27). 14. Report fran lJarket. Square DeireloJJl1el1t COIlmU.ttee (Ma.,terlal to be available Tuesday). ~.rL. .'~ - . ~JL. '.. 'l,"'Ji" y"__.n ~ -~,1-r""-u . C.,,_....-l.birl~ Vol T r.... it ~ 2) , ! GhNlmAL , 15. Invitation frot'1 Saint Luke's. Church to lOOth Anniversary ~ervice. 16. Let~or frpm Hr. John G. Kelly, Barrister, re Meadowbank J~venue .services of Best Builders Ltd. (8~e item 10). 0 , ." '. e 17. Letter from Housing and Urban Development Assoc. of Canc.da, Saint Jnhn ani District Assoc.. re proposed ClI:l~rldment9 to Subdivision By-Luw and the oost shcLringpoliCJ" of the ~ity (&ee it,em 10).' 18. Brief from ~;outb 10m Develoflnent Corporlltion Inc. re the planning and implementation of the l~t:ighb()urhood L:lprovcl.lent 'Pl"ogrur. lie. (sce it em l2)~ . ~ ~