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~G R N D.A"
COMMON eOUNCIL- as at let October, 1976.
1. Heet1ng calltd t.o order, .00 .m. October - prayer.
2. Cont1r_tion of w.nutes (Sep1..ulliJer 20 &. 27
). Mayor 1& remarks.
eIn lW~AGm
4. Report re temer& for supplying anti-freeze and shovels to the cities of New Brunswick.
5:. Re a&1"8Wll8nt between City and Ii.B.Coanunity College re Fire Fighters' Academy.
6.' :He contract for computer modelling of the City of Saint John ,,'ater supply system.
7. Progres8 paptent.& re capital project. Economic
8. ProgreBs ~'1l\ent8 re projects undertaken wx.ler Dept.Rcgional/ExpanaiDnprograane.
,. ~t report - Division 01' Technical and Inapection Services, including Plumbing.
10. Juq and Augwst report - Fire Depto.
11. Be retun:l of building permit tees, and. Mr. llarle;y J. Thibault's request re aame.
12. Report on vacant 8I1d d1lap1da.ted buildings. (aee it_ 15)
13. Pa1Iaent or invoice..
13A~Pap.ent ot asphalt invoice.
13B.Report re requttst from Re1J Heacl Ho_owner8 Protective Assoc.
13C.Report 1'8 grader.
, C<HI>H CLmK , ,. .
14. 'l'h.ird reading of Zoning ~..-Law. amendment to allow a brew~r,y, subject to such t.~rma and
conditions as the Planning, Advisory Comm1ttee Jlll&,y impose, (1st & 2ncl readings given Sept,.27)
,. ~ em SOLICl'TOR .
15. Re dangerous and dilaPidat.ed buildings ,t1,Ue s earehes., ',ee itell 12)
16. R.e Harsh Oreekproperty <M18rsh1p. . .
. C<HaSSIONS. COMMl'r'rJiZS, .
17. Saint John Houa1.ng Commission re a budget.. '.;. . . _'. .
18, LaDi Committ,ee re; proposed. ~s1ng 'of tire 1a.D8' bet~en lblaott1trk1 Montreal Aves.) am
re objoctionsto al\Ybuil4ing Ofl City lot. at endo~ J{ola.on I've;' that City is welling.
19~ Traffic and SatetyCcllzim1tt.eere removaJ. :otpedeDtrian signal at Ocoan Steel, chesley Drive.
, .t:... '
20. Trattic ani Safety Com1tt,ee ~tunds t;o, promote a ~opoaed safety.programme tor 1?77.
21. Tratfic and Saf'ety Comrdtt.e. nt request! ~. South Iod D~ve:Wpnent CoP.. ,tor 11 4-way stop
,~ "\ ,sign a.t Carmarthen and Broad 8t.s.' " :, '. " .
.~~ (a) - ~tter fnxa South Y.o1 Developn8l'1t C<>>:Pl! .~c. 1"8. a4.-w&'1. stop sign at Carmarthen 'aM
, . , Broad 8ts. and re fi "blind ,knoll" sign on both skies ot Broad and Wentworth 5108.
22. Planning Adviaoq CQIIIDl1ttaere application trom Mr. Macaulay re mobUe home locat.ion.
23. Planning .4\d.vis017 Committee re acceptance ot money in lieu .t public purposeD land, trom
Mr. Berlin Grant Sub-<l1 v1a1on. .
24. Re policy on public notices for re-zoninfU letter from Planning Advisory Committee.
25. Planning Aclvisor:y Committee report re pI".~posed Beckett developnent, Acamac Backland Rd..
GElmwJ1 . '
26. Veterans' RtGeabrance Day Committee 1"8 F~brance Day obs~rvancea.
27. Letter trom Dr. Stephen Weyman 1"8 size ot Ccmmon CouncU. elected at large: auggested
28. =:w J~lS::ih Eod Tenant.s' Assoc. Inc. seeking d1rectiorQ9g tunllflLkt-!louth :end
community as :t.o the direction the Neighbourhood Improvement Programme 1.B taking. adviairig
of support of South .!lad Develo)Dent Copp. Inc.' a poDi tion that Barrack Green be used tor
recrt,ationa1 purposes. .
29. letter from Pure Water Protection Assoc. re extension ot Loch Lomond School and its ettec'
on Douglas Lake waters re ...ewage syst.em outtall; re effect ot airport on studies of
students; 1'8 need tor said School extension in tbfm area.
,30. Request from Crescent Valley 'l'enantn' A080C. re protection ot children using the playground
area betwetm Somerset ~t. am Taylor Aw.; re prOblem of mot.or-bike riders.
:31. Letter from MacKnight. liotoro Ltd. 1'8 condition of pavement, 567 Rothesay Ave.
:32. Letttir from Saint John Harbour R1d.ing Progressive Conservative Assoc. re developnent ot
Falla View Park am Reversing Falls IslaD:is as tourist attractions, am tor resident.s.
33. Let.t.er fram Social f>ervices CouncU ot Gr~ter Saint John re Provincial Govt. transporta-
tion studyj 1"8 bUB situation in Saint John.
34. Re-zoning application tram Mr. Daniel R. Tob1aa re 60 Regent St. property.
:35. Letter from Port Days Camr.t1.ttee. Port Developnent Commission requesting retention ot Porta
Day 1976 profits as acontingenay fund.
36. Letter tram Hr. Gerald T. Casey, Bc1.rris'ter, on behalf of !fanf'ord K. Thompson Construction
Co. Ltd. requesting that the housing project of bis c11ent in Lorllevllle area be included
in Stage I, Hunicip6l Dcvelopawnt Plan. it not all"ead.y in Stage I. .
37. Requests tor 1977grant8:- N.B. Youth Orchestra; I.W.C.A.; Fami],y Services Saint J hn Inc.;
Ji.B.Mua8Ullt; N.B.Competitive FestiVal ot Kuaic Inc.; Canadian National Institute fo~ the
Bl1nd.j Salvation ~; S.J. ~ra' and Girls' Club.
38. Request. trca CcluncUlor HacGcat8l1 to be excused. .tram October 4 Council meeting.
39. Latter traaSatnt John TOUl"DBlltirlt Coa:d.ttee. 1977 Cuuidian Olclt1mers Hockey Tournaaent,
. r<<\_st1ng arena facilitie8. tuD::1s.and City to adverti_ in so.venir programme.