1976-09-27_Agenda :.r,: .., ' ,A -0 K N D ~ COMMON COUNCIL - a8 at 24th September, 1976. 1. Heeting, called to order, 6.00 P.t1.. ~)eptt!ll1ber 27 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. - Proposed re-zoning for Anderson Insurance L.i.r:dted of fonner church.building at 77 Coburg St. and lot at 28 Garden ~t. (at rear of 77 Coburg St.) to permit conversion 01' said propert~r to insurance and possibly other offices ar' to use lot at ='.6 Garden St. as parking lot for the 'orrie.es. - Letter fran Hr. Ralph ,J. Broderick, Barrist.er, on behalf of citizens who oppose al)ove named propmwd re-ooning, usking that said citizens be heard at this I:leeting. - Letter from Planning iad.visory COIl'D:ittee re said pr"oposed re-zomng. ,. 6.00 P .t1. ' (a) (b) 4. 6.00 P.rl. ea) - Proposed. Zoning By-La~l amendment ill Light Industrial zoning regulations, for Olani '5 Bret/ery, to allow a brewel"~', subject to such termsand concii tions a8 such amendment may impose. ' - Letter fr<X!l Plamting Advisory Cor.aui.ttee re said proposed amendment. , CITY MANAUllt 5. He separate leasf8 to Rocca Group L1.d. for Site "Kft, IJorth l:.nci Urban Renewal Area, JII.ain St 6. Re sale of Site "Vt J comer Metcalt and La.nsdown~ Ave., North }..().d Urban Rene\'lal Area, to C.G.H.Holdings Ltd.. for develojJ11tl'ltfor an office building. ? Re acquisition of' 53i - 55 and 57-59 Dock St. from H. H.. Hopper Co. (1961) Ltd. GI'l'I SOLICrrCR 8. lie sale of fonner Annex property, ~)ani Cove Rd.., to The Church of the Nazarene. GElMiAL 9. Hotion to excuse Councillor NacUm.an from meeting. COlDU'rl'EES 10. Plarming AdviflOl"jr Conmttee re amen:im(~nt to HunicipaJ. Deve10IJIlent Plan re former l~elson Vale -proposed future useL..S a business area; advertise in conjunction with said proposed re-zoning advertisement. ..