as at 17th September, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 P.Ll.. ~)eptember 20 - pray(~r.
2. Confu'r..1<:1tion of minutes UlepteL1Ler 7 U. 13).
.3. Hayor1s renarks.
5. Progress payments re cClpitcll projects.
6. Progress payments rc proj{lCts undertaken under Dept .Regional Economic l:Y.p<.msion programme.
7. Payra{;nt of .invoices.
8. Re application rn.:.de by Recreation and Parks Ijept. for Local fuprover.lents Prol~ralanle
funds for "Operation Participation".
9. Joint r~port witb COLluissioner of COLl!:nmit:r ;)l.mning and Developnent re proposed auto body
and repair shop at le? Golden Grove Bd.; rb-zoning under ~)ection J9 of Comr.'lunit~ Planning
J.ct; agreement ..1 tb hr. Hit ton re certain restrictions. (see i teI:l 10).
10. Third reading of proposed Zoning b:,'--Law amencl.r1ent to re-zone for Hr. Douglas Bitton
property known as 187 Golden Grove He!. (1st ~c 2nd readings given ~;ept.. 13, 19?()). (see
itt:l1i <)).
11. Third reading of proposed anendment to the by-law for the Last Developnent ~;cher1e, Phase I,
~)tage I, \litb rE~spect to the side ;yard requirement of Lot 72 (1st l:c 2nd readings given
~jept. 13, 1976).
Land Cmm ttee re purchase fron Htlantic Speedy Propane of building, Bayside Drive.
Land CJOf1rl::_ttee re purchase from C.P.R. 01' property at corner of I3c'l.yshore Rd. and former
Lowell ~t.
Land CorJ'li ttee re sale by City of approximately 80 acres of land west of the llc.rtinon Rd.
for site for medium security penitentiary - Option of Sale re same.
Uiotoric 0ites. and .uvents Co~'4ttee re Griliat ,jaillt Jolin Fire lOOth unniv{~rsarv pbse~vance
,raeLlbers or sa.J..d Cor.1Luttee viJ.l..J. be preaell' to answer any ques~~ons I.;ounc~l. r:1a~' have).
GhNl:.! 1.1
Letter f'rof,l Saint Jnhn Harbour Hiding, Progressive Conservative J1.650C. re need for better
access to ltilford-Rando1ph area including removal of the level railway crossing presently
the on:y ~Lans of access.
17. Letter fron. Shelter Hesources Ltd. recluesting pa;yr:lcnt fror::l CitJ, as Ci tJ,'s share of
providing storm seYler and surface drainage s~'sten in Harbourview Sub-division.