COMMON COUNCIL - as at loth :::>eptember, .l~Jfb.
3. 7.00 p.m.
4. 7.00 p.m.
c 7.00 p.m.
6. 7.30 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., September 13 - prayer.
2. Mayor's remarks.
_ Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property known as 187 Golden
Grove Road for Mr. Douglas Mitton.
_ Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re same.
_ Proposed Zoning By-Lavr amendment to re-zone the vacant lot on the northeai';terly
corner of Wentvrorth and Broadview Streets for Associated Laboratories Limited.
_ Letter frcn Planning Advi Gory Connni ttee 1'e same.
_ Proposed amendment to the by--law for the East Development Scbemc=, Phase I,
Stage I, with respect to the side yard requirement of Lot 72.
- Letter from Planning Advisory COIDIT,ittee re same.
_ Presentation by Local 1182, Amalga~ated Transit Union regarding employees
of City Transit Ltd. (~tr. Robert B. MulJin, President, will be spokesman)
,. Report re tenders for landscaping at c01TlIllunity arenas.
8. Progress payment re capital project.
9. Progres;:; payments re )rojects undertaken under Department of Regional Economic Expansion
10. He purchase of additional Police transport.
11. He pa~nent of invoices.
12. He joint plITchasing by Cities of New Brunsvrick.
13. Report re tendem for demolition of buildings, corner of Lowell St. and Bay Shore Road.
13A.. He transfe:L' of part of Parks funf'tions to :Sngineering and Horks from Recreation
and Par ks .
14. TbHd reading of amendrnent to Market By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 7)
15. (a) Re proposed amendment to text of Zoning By-Lavr re mlnlmum sizes of lots to be used
for on-site scvrage disposal. (1st reading given August 16).
(b) Proposed amendment to Subdivision By-Law re minimum sizes of lots to be used for
on-site sewage disposal. (1st reading given September 7).
16. Civic Rmployees' Pension Plan Bd. of Trustees subnlitting 1975 Financial Statements.
17. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision plan of Shamrock Realty Limited
Subdivision, south of Boar's Head Road.
18. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance of money re Mrs. C. J. Doucette subdivision
in lieu of public purpos2s land.
19. Land Committee re tenders for sale or lease of fire station, 156 Union Street.
20. Market Committee re transfer of lease of Stalls 6 and 7, Counter E6, City Market.
21. Letter from Red Head Home Ovmers Protective Association re Woodlavm Park Subdivision.
22. Application from The Rocca Group Limited for re-zoning of extension of West Vale Sub-
division (formerly known as Nelson Vale).