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1. Meeting called to order,(7.00 p.m., August
2. ~Confirmation of minutes August 16).
3'. Mayor's remarks.
30 - prayer.
4. 7.30 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Brian Mosher, on behalf of truck.owners and operators
. re proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law regarding the parking of commercial
vehicles in residential areas.
5. Financial ~tatements - July.
6. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Department Regional Economic Expansion
7. Progress payments re capital projects.
8. July report of DivisJ..on of Technical and Inspection Services, including Plumbing.
9. Pay::-=nt of invoices" for equipment rental'!l etc.
10. Report re commuter rail system between Saint John and Sussex.
11. Payment of invoice, Murdoch Ling1ey Ltd.
12. Payment of invoice, Foundation of Canada Engineering Corporation Ltd.
13. Report re tenders for cleaning 6" and 8" watermains.
14. Report re flooding of Gilbert Street-City Road intersection.
15. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision plan with respect to street widening,
corner of Lansdowne Avenue ~ld Wellesley Avenue.
16. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance of money re Joseph E. Connors Subdiyision in lieu
of public purposes land.
17. Report of Personnel Committee submitting 1976 establishment.
18. Letter from Abattoir Commission re recent amendment to Abattoir Act and elimination uf
custom-house slaughtering from the abattoir operation.
19. Letter from Market Committee requesting amendment to City's Market By-Law.
20. Re lifeguard service at City beaches (Councillor MacGowan).
21. Re problem of deterioration of King Street West area (Councillor MacGowan).
22. Letter from Bakery and Confectionary Workers, Local 44, re Anti-Inflation Act.
23. Letter from Department of Municipal Affairs re recent amendment to Municipalities Act.
24. Letter from Architects Association of New Brunswick re calling for proposals for developmen
of City-owned lands and lack of requirement of licensed professional involvemeht in project
submitted to City for planning approval or building permit.
25. Le~ter from Mr. L. W. Crandall re Atlantic National Exhibition.
26. Letter from Minister of Municipal Affairs re Grand Bay boundary.