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COMMON COUNCIL - a8 at 13th August, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., AUf~ust 16 - prayer.
2. Mnyor' 8 remarks. ,
3. Uotice of Motion (~or Flewwelling).
JA. Proposal for R conunittee to evaluate the Municipal Developnent Plan (l1nfor Flewwe1ling).
4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land, flOuthea8ter~ comer of
OceHn Hestway and road to Lomevilie for Hanford Thompson Construction Co.Ltd.
(a) Letter from Planning Advisory Comnittee re same.
5. 7.00 P.Ll. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone rive lots on proposed Noel Ave. and
on propofled Covell,y Drive, M111idgeville Heights 5ub-division, Phase III, for
Hillidgeville Estates Ltd. (B1rch Ht,ights Dev~lopnent, Phase I).
(a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Col.llmi.ttee re same.
6. (.00 p.m. - Propos~d Zoning ~'-~'lV1 amendwmt to re-zone propcEed lot backing on St.Joachim't
Church and 5ilver Glade rJursing HomEl, lying opposite what \</ould be th(! inter-
section of Cind~r Lee St. and Mnrtha Ave., for IJ.oma Construction Ltd.
(a) - Letter from 1'llUln1ng Advisory Coroni ttee re same.
7. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law clJ1lendments (aB listed in copy of advertisement).
8. 7.00 P.1:.1. - Proposed ~oning B~r-Law amendments 1'8 lot sizes (CiS listed in copy of advertise-
ment) .
(a) Letter frCLl Hr. ,James Hunter, Oak Ridges, Ontario" objecting to ahov~ proposed
lot sizes Cllllenclments.
7.00 n.n. - Proposed vesting in the City of Saint do}m or the fire lane which COmlences at
Harding St. bet\-ieen Montreal. and Molaon Aves. and runs westerly and .outhwester~
from Harding St. to Molson Ave.
(a) - Joint letter from p. :r.:. MichaUd, John J. McCarthy and Thomas l1egaw, opposing
thc building plans for a.bove named fire lane.
Muni9ipaJ. Plan
?roposed ~ lSy-L1.w auendI:1ent to change for Pascon Brothers Co. Ltd. the classification
of property on Sea St. between residence numbers 483 and 509.
Prop()sed Zoning By-Law Clmendment to re-zone for Pa5con Brothers Co. Lt,d. the said property.
(8) , Letter from JJlanning Advi"ory Committce re said proposed amendments.
Proposed amendments re property on Ludlow 5t. between Tower and St. George Sts., (former .
car barn site) for Local 502, International Brotherhood or KLectrical \1orkers:-
pro~~ied Hunicipa1 Plan By-Law amendment.; proposed Zoning By-Law amendment.
(a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said propofied amcndments (laid on table
AUbrust 3, 1976).
1.2. 7.45 p.m. - Brid' prescnted by The Canadinn National Institute for the Blind: various
requests for assifltance from the City 61' ~int John.
13. 8.00 p.rcl. - Prt.:stmtation b~r are Javid Qreen and Hr. Lorne Green re de~ire to obtain approval
on t\-lO lots on the John Green P..oad~lCl.Y.
14. l~eport J'e t,enders for bleachers.
15. Ha;r and' ,1 llntl report - Lngineering and \Jorks Dept.
16. l~epon rc tenders for ~lillie Ave. stand pipe ~ Cl.nd 12-inch \'. atermain.
17. Pro~;r(;ss payments re projects undeJ'taken mlder J)epartment Regional Economic Expansion I:J:>[9aIIle
18. 1>ro[,res6 j)uJ'rnellt 5 re ca.pital projects.
19. Acquisition of Frank I'ales Ct Sons Ltd. r:orth hnd 'Urban henwa! Scheme propertjr, 6l-63 DockSt
20. !'a;yr.lt:r,t of accountcmt fees (Clarkson, Gordon h Co.) r€ Harket 3qUhre Civic Centre project.
21. PayrJcnt of account fees (Thorne, Itiddell (t Co.) re Harb:t Square Civic Centrc project.
22. Payment of legal fees (Palu~r, O'Connell, Le~er, Turnbull &. Turnbull) re lJ.Lnd Urban Uenewal
23. Appraisal fees (Shawinigan Engineering). .
24. Acqubition of Parcels "B" &. "E",Chesley Dr. 1'1'001 Harbour Bridge Authority re Il.I,nd U~ban 1
24A .Report re King 0q~lre bard. stand. enewa
24B.ht,nort re ten:1ers re construction of Pal'telio I'.ve. East water ani sewer, and Kingsville Rd.
st,brm 5 ewer.
25. He proposed anenduent to Parking Meter By-Law (propoeed by Saini John Parking Comraission).
26. Pluro1ing Advisory CoLlI'Jittee re acceptance of money from Margaret Kelly Sub-division in lieu
of public purposes land.
27. Plaroting !lCivisory Committee re request from Hr. Deuetris Bountalas to create seven dwelling
units instead of six at ~~3 ~t. Anne St.
28. Plunning Advioory Gocu:d.ttee 1'6 amending the by-law for the East Developnent s~eme" Phase I"
stage I.
29. Plarming Advisory Col'lL1ittee re: (a) public purposes land in bdward J. McNamara Sub-div1sion,
Lake'Wood Heights; (b) Ronald J. Mabel' lot on westerly side of 0un:unit Drive and south of
vlillie Ave. and proposed eaterTl arterial alignment.
30. ReCOIlllOOndation from Protection Counittee re telegraph fire alarm system am replacanent
for same.
30A.Rec01':lmElndations from Market Square Developnent CODlI'J1ittee.
31. No~nating CocuDittee report.
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Page 2.
Letter from Mr. V. E. Desmond rc proposed changes in sub-clivision co&t;"sbtu~illg policy.
Dept. of Natural. Resources 1'8 proposed discontinuance oi a portion of a reserved roa~
near Primrose and Ileal' the Kings-Saint. John County line, and adjoining City pro perty.
Letter from Mr. B. H. Everett re unsightly condition of vacant lot, corner of \':aterloo
and Union bts. (former Brovm I s Drug Store site). ,
Applicc1tion from Associat.e4I Laboratories Limited for re-zoning 292-296 :i'entwol'th St.
for.a proposed dental laboratory.
Application from Douglas Iutton for re-zoning of l87 Golden Grove Rd. for an auto repair