~ ,COUReIL - as at 30th July. 1976_
k,._ftJ!~~/.!'l!~~. ~~~~" 7 '~'lloI!Io '":~,r.. ~ .~" ','al~" 0 '" . .,
2.. ~,~tlflt.,-* ~-~".~t.,,'_. '.,.~... ~1 '~..3: '~;';~"l>u!"_~\..t<.. l'_*:..~- -'1'''~ ~. ,oliio'7.~;~' ~,,~.;.. ,..1j!',." ".?t:,~~,.:}:~;',:'~ ,.I_,;~~>*\",~~
.3. ~tei!i;E:R8'~tt:ei7C'WO~rlYd~iaC ~litli~1~e~'o~ t1~Vim:"A,~~' hmediaie~';~st-ot', ~!II':
'~1. i.4l t"l~.{~lC ,:'~"::'r.:'Dech1d.~~t.,e;:_,1"'# ~.' '." . :--i.. ~~f; ~:l:. '.'_.~1': ~- .:::t~~ i~~:': d:.",. .;: .".,.t;; ;..~'v'.;;~..t,~~/i "'"''-..~ :
,- "~t:c:'e 1 r.~...n.ctl.ng_Huld.c1pB1..Devalopnent Plan - proposed. . . J
", a.... , ,,,.. ." ~ Propo..sed., amerment to, Zo~, By-Law to"re-"PDe ~. DrOpe~7.,. ".~ .
i~h.~:'::~':.4"~':Letter'.l"1"Q" Plamln 'AdV1oo17 ~t:tee5Ere"~'8ald PrO~~ amemmentli.' .' /1
I,"~ 'v_v:, "-(see' its 'Zl).- :_.~g;,..... ." 'd"':'. po :' ,
4:1~ .1,.00'. ,,,,~........n.." Pa800n Brothers. Co. Ltd., ~per1;y"Oii ...t,~.id. '.t~ Sea' St,. between res1denc~ i
!it",:tU::-':"',1 ilUllbeP8?~'and 509:- ',,'
,~. i > _ . ,;~ Pro>>o~~ ~ Qr ~~ll>e.veloDll8q\,fJ.AA.....~, > '., '".i''''''' 1.!'~ '" i
,,... JS..:.... '." ...::;'~ 'eel. ".a..endment."".''- Zo~' - ~-":':''Law'''..;p::- " ne'.s&1Ci .. roO ~~~(1Gt rea:;ll::'!..v. /
.' ,~. " , . ,l"!'lpoe ,. . . .~, . " ,.!'V .,.JIV, re-,o,. 'p~.A V", 10&.1.I15
,_.'", ,.l..' " given July 5.' 1976')". . ..... * ....... , -,'- t:J!"c.... .' \ .
- Letter from Planning Advisorj' CoDmittee req\IDst1ng extension of time in wh1ch~ .:
~ subn1t report re above proposed amendment... ,.' i
5.. 7,.00 ]).11.'- Re. property on Ludlow St. between Tower and St.. George Ste,. Cromer car barnat.'...
site), on Wich local 502, I.B.E.'t1,. proposes to construct a union building to ~
oftices and meetings:- " ,.' !
A.. - Propased amending ot Hunicipal DevelopllElnt Plan. ' ':ih
- Proposed 8IIl8ndment to Zoning By-Lnwtore-zene ea1dproperty. ',i I
- Letter troa Plal1n1ng Advisory CoJEittee re said propctsed amendments.i !
6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed. amend.1ng of Municipal Deve10JDent Plan tor Sonier 0rnat1~~ta1 Iron LJ t
re propert.y at end ot Siw4e 51:-. (Hote:- re-soning, which recoived ).at read1rJgf: .,
on June 21,1976, would not be enacted untU att.4tr enac:tMnt ,ot the amendment;
to the Munic1pal Developacnt Plan -see ~py ot Plann1ng Advincry CooId.ttee ~. '
letter dated June 16. 1976). ' ;t'
. . . i 1
, )
. ~"
7. 7.30 P.Ill. - Mr.. Donalcl F. MacGawan, Barrister, otClark. Druade Ie Company, .~ behalf ot;,! '
Mr. Dtaetr1s Bountalaa, who requests pera1s81on to add a one-bedroam or i:
baChel:.orapartment 1n the bas--.t otthea1x-un1t dwelllng UDie':construcuoi'
at 23 St. Anno St.. , ~
8. Fire Dept.. report. - June. i.
9". Financ:i&l Stat_onte - June. 'j
10. Re 1'tJnce at }<~t Saint John IUementar,y School on J3e,ya1de Driw. ! .
11. Progress ~'JAentre capital project. "
12. Payment of various invoices. 1 '
13. Re acceptance of quotation tor equipment tor pump stat.ton 1tB", KilfordooRandolph-Greendale , :
sewer system. t .
14. Re backlot aerial services (over-head pole 11ne) 'tor proposed lots 66, 67, 68 and 69 on :1
southerly side of Sheila Aw., in Greenwood Sub-cl1via1on. t
15.Re develop:lent proposals re Block 10 area. South En:i (see it_ 28). ';
'I '
~ '
16. Opinion re sewer connection tee pa3'lllents as related to Water and Sewerage By-Law (as ;~,~
amended June 7th, 1976) and as related to petit-ione from residents ot ~les Sub-division l:t
per Hr. D. I. l\dler, am to petition from Mr. William. 11. Dupuis. .i'
~ ",
t '.
COMKl'l.".rm5. COJIlISSIONS i . r
11. Planning Advisory Comldtt.ee re assent to sub-d.ivi8ion,p1.an re Sheila Ave., Green"rood ,~.
, <; 5ub-division. Lakewoocl. ,:. f
la.Planning Advisary Cormttee 1'8 assent to sub-d.1vie1on plan for Colonial. Acres Sub-dirlaiot.,
M.onm. . ' .,; ,
19. PlamingAclv1sory Committee re temporllr,y DObUe hClll8 p1.acelllBnt by Hr. ani Mrs. T. J .Jens.....~i
20. Planning AdvisoJ7 ComrJittee re proposed amendla<<mt \'0 Zoning By-Law (to be heard at Courci~:tl'
......t.1ng of. August J.6th. 1.976) """"Ptio tck lat.a1ze.. . ;publlo __... i 1.(, ~.I
2l. Planning Mvisory Cc.11ttee acoeptan. CO ot JlIl1I18Ilt in lieu o.tILlaft, nom-I-\l) David H. .1: .'lff
Le.wson; (2) Arthur Belyea Sub-cl1vision .,.. . . '.. :'
22. P.lam1ng Advisory c.rnttee report N poliq ..~ lend. tor public purposo in sub~idsiona,.:;
reoommendation 1"8 pos8ible future amendments 'to 1'~lI11ty Planrdng Act. ' ,1.'
22l\.P1.anDing Advisor:t Comm1tt_ report re petition baD res1cleJ1t,sot Bon Accord Suboidiv1s1OD'~' t~
re . con.structi. on ot 32-un:lt apartlllent build1n& b7.~r.nn.becaa18 Inveatmen t. ~~.: ~ arM. et...J ,:. J"
',' 'rGllODd Co~ and Bon Accord. Drift ' : ' . " . ,; I ' : ;
,_ .\ f" ,""
23. Salnt John Parking Comm188ion re proposed amendment to Parldng.ter By-Ian".: ' , . ~, ~
24. AMual repon .tPower Camrd.s81on or City ot ,SBlnt John - 1975. .: . , : " ~
2,5. .Lam.l ea.s.tt._ re exPN~t.i.on ot ....r ........-.t~1Ir. ..cl lira. Robert ~~.. J.,_e~t."!:
2'6. .'tarid CCIDIld.t.tee re b1ds t.rC1t7-ownecl~,~:1~~~ A.".. , iI .~:
Zl. Land Coadttoe re prop....ed. --1IOD1.n&ter .m.~<~ (eeeltc ,).. A ' ':,
.a......... ~l:J~. u.=~.' ~~a1OQ re ~101!ll@llt. .propoa!\. 'rer Block 10 Vt&.Soutb End.(..... ~it;.......:..
:~.~7. .D1YfJ_norr~~810D !'8'1'IiuI otKererence-Clauee 9 and.ll~lJ- copt..ter . '~:
", ~<~~ ~i
.,)!~ ~
....a. "
" , . . . GEJI&RAL
jO.~.;~ Jlr.',Georp,'.Ofo.p.n~Q. a...eo14c1torfor Hr. W81t-ezo Beckett..
';nq1leeUft&-~' otth~, ~t7 Plan to peltd.t tbB dneloJID_t otthe Beckett
. ,', properiy, a1j.:;t.be .1Ilter.wtct,1on of ''the Acamao Baoldan:l ltoad. IIIUl tbeHartinon By-Pa~s.
~;1..~tt~t1'Olll'1i ... ~trlaD: As.oc. J'tKlUBst1ng use ot the City' horse van tor transport.1ll&
. dt14Ira....untato the Jft'V1ne1alJMl8.
, ',' . /
32. tetter f"* AtJanttv Hat.1on&l.lfixbib1t1on I.1ght Horae Show re amount 01' award provided /
,b7' Olty, of Saint ~. r~ winne" in 1976 event.. /
3"~ tet.ter, fra.&-. . John ,G.tceU.l'. Barri.at..er,. on bebalt of Best Builder. Ltd., re
~ A-ve..aerd.ce.. -
34. Letter tl'all L1quoI"14.oena1DI.Boar'ClgiviDg no:t.1oe ot hearing ot application trom L.S.O.
Enterpr1...Ltd. tor a beftZOage '1'0_ l1censet0z4 prem1sosat 9 S1dney St. .
l . .
"". ~
.. r - ~.,
.:,,- f
1'" '