COMMON COUNCIL - afl at 2nd Ju4', 1976.
1. Meeting ,called to order, ? .00 p.m.. July 5 - prayer.
2. Mayor · s remarks.
3. He sub-division agrcenent with Best Builders Ltd. re 11illidgeville Heights Sub-cl.ivision,
Headowbank Ave.
4. Ite choice of project for ~}tiI.lulation Grunt, 1976.
5. Heport on bids for supp~ring and installing chain link fencing.
6. Report on tenders for supp~ring water and sewerage materials for 1976.
7. HaJ~ report of Division of Technical ani Inspection ~ervices, including Plumbing.
8. ~la~r report of Fire Dept.
9. 1975 armual report of Fire Dept.
10. 1975 annual report of Maintenance and Supply Division of \Jorko Dept. regarding equiJEent.
11. H.eport of Building Inspector re building }J(;rmits for Saint John Regional Hospital,
including recOlJmeniations.
l2. Joint report from Acting GitJr llJanager and Commissioner of Conmunity Plarming am DeveloJlllel
regarding City stHff efforts to assist Sea Side Co-Op. find anot.her lOCc1.tion.
13. l~e proposed re-~oning of 77 Cobw-g ~t. and. lot at its rear next to 28 Garden St. for
HilJrard Holdings Ltd. (lst & 2nd readings given June 7, 1976) - laid on table June, 21;
re act vertising ClILlendment to l1unicipal DeveloJEent Plan re said proposed re-zoning.
1.4. i,eport re Lord's Day Act and com;truction of homes by a developer on Sunda:r.
15. umd. Committee re payment to Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. re land required to change t raf'fic
pattern at corner of Lansdowne and -\Jellesley Avenues.
16. Planning Advisory Cor'iIuttee re acceptance of payment in lieu of public purposes land, fraIl
J. Arthur IJice.
17. Planning Adviso~' COrJI..uttee re Janes Achorn application to locate a nobile home.
18. Civic Inprovement and Beautification Committee re relocation of ~).h.T. bus tt:rr:linal from
l~ing :jt. ~;i te.
lq. He Cclll for DeyelopI.lent Proposclls, Block lO Area,' 50uth hid: opening of proposals receive
20. He htlantic iJa tional Lxhibition ComIJittee ( Councill.or E. Vincent).
21. Fernhill GeL.leter;r COLlpan;r re completion of laying of pipe on nothe5a~' Ave.
22. Di~;trict 20 ~chool Board requf~sting erection of a safety fence at Lc,,;t ~)ai.nt John
L:enenta~Sfho~~~~llavside Drive.
23. lierchants/of 'Cm.a,n-E~eihock proposing tempora~r closing of portion of Germain :..it. for
a r.w.ll in conjunction Hi th l.o~'alist Da~rs.
2[.. I:e-zoning application of Pascon IirotherH Co. Ltd., submitted by Hr. Alfred H. Brien,
Barrister, re property Cldjacent to 4g3 ~)ea ~t., \:est.
24A .l:e-wning a pplica tion of local 502, InternCi. ti onCl1 Brotherhood of Llectriea:j. V. orkers, re
fo~.ler street car barns, UadloH St., ',jest, property.