1976-06-21_Agenda < ". ..... At'Jf Ii D A - COMHON commIL - as at 18th Jlme~ 1976. 1. H.. etinp, calitJd to order, 7.0U D.O.. June 21 - prayer. 2. H..ayor' 8 remarks. 3. 'l.ou p.r,l. (a) 4. 7.00 p.m. (a) (b) (c) 5. L.l, p.n. - proposed 8Jl1endroent to Zonine By-Lav: to re-zone for ~>onier Ornamental Iron Ltd., 1...'1nd on Sir.ll1S ~t. - Let tel" from Planning J\.dvisor;;r Comr.1i ttee re above naJ:l(~d' re-zoning~ and re amending Hunicipal Ikve10puent ?lan. _ proposed wnendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for SuA'S~. Co-Op. Ltd.., property tnmrn as 25 ~ummer St. and 96 ~tanl~' 5t. _ Letters from lira. Anne ~~renholm, 88 5tcmley ~t., I1ra. James HcBrine" 2 ~;right :..it., and Hr. Roy H. Jennings, 6 Ivright St., in ()pposition to said re-zoning. .~ - Le~~er from Socia,lServicefl Council of G~t'at~: ~)aint John, ~~~~ saJ.!l re-zoning,"',j_;\t&l" .,anott, er site for ~ea ~~de Co-Op. Ltd.' - Letter frou Planning AdviHOIJ' Commi:Ltec re said re-zoning. - Pl'esent~t;t,i(>n of bri(;f by hr. S. A. Robertson, on behalf of Alexander Dcsign, re propiw~,l to devt;lop forner PravinciCll Hospital Annex property, ~)and Cove jed. 6. 7.30 p.m. - Presentation of brief froIll New Brunswick Protestant Orphans' Home, re proposal 1;0 Jevt;lop fonner Provincial Hospital Annex property ~ Sand Cove hd. CITY l1AtJAGLI~ 7. Hf::: vacation; appointrlent of J-cting City hanager dm-ing CitJ-" }ianal~er's CJ.bs~nce. 8. Report on bids for supplying one baler and one rotavator. 9. PUJ.ucnt of invoice. 19. lkport on bids for pilinting City building8. 11. harch report of \.-orks Branch, l~gincering and \vorks Dept. 12. he 1976 Capital Budget revisions. 13. he waterfront area at In:lBntown. 14. "e left-hand turns from City l1.oad to Meadow St. l4A.fl.e auction of surplus Cit;r equipment. l4B.Re pm-chase iaf sanitary landfill compactor. CITY ;)OLICITOE 15. Opinion re amending EunicipcJ. Dtnrclopnent Plan re propot1ed re-zoning of 77 Coburg ~)t. and lot at it s rear next to 28 Garden ~)t. for Hil~rard Holdj.ngs Ltd.., and opinion re third reading of ClIaendrnent to ~ning &.:-L<'1\'1 1'0 said proposed rc-zoning. (a) - Third reading of said lolling By-Law 8I.jcnckwnt \.as laid on tahlfl June 14, 1976, as Has letter fron Hr. L. J. Stl;phen, solicitor for Dr. \:. M.'Zid~ in objection to scdd proposed rt:-zonil16. 16. Opinion re validit~r of Order fron Local hssistant to l'ire Harshal for Cit~.r to remove buildings and remedy conditions at 1'orr.1er Provincial Hospital Annex, ~and Cov~ Rd. 17. Cop;' of Judgment re Bridges Brothers Limited v. Forest Protection Limited case, re spruce hudl/orm spra;'ing. 18. PaJ'mentof invoices from Nason &. Collier for legal fees re Trial and Appeal re the action against Kierstead Dt:velolxaents Liriited. COHi-iITTI..LS J COliiliTh sIOIlS 19. Plctnfling AdviGo~' CorU"!::_ttee re .acceptance of pu;;rnents in lieu of land for ,)ublic purposes from: (1) Paul Beesley, l'arflide ;jub-division; (2) Harold Clark. 20. l''Laricet Comr..u.ttee reCOr.:Jr.'lCndation re u!">18rd revision of rentals in City Market as requ~sted b~r the Cit~. l-umager. , 21. Traffic am ~afetJr Cowmittee \.rithdrawing recommendation made to Council ,on Februa~r 8th, 1976 for 'l.'raffic B;.r-Law amendnent 1'6 overnight parldng on Alexandra ~it. (No.t..e:- 1st and 2nd readings wer8 given to proposed amendment to said by-law; matter was laid on table by Council on March 1st). . 22. Letter from Saint John Housing CorJ!Jlission re co-ordination ~r Cit~r staft with camnittees or comdssions prior to staft reporting to Council on original recomnendation from commitUe; or commissions. Glc;NUtAL 22A.Application fran SlattcIJ' Management for re-zoning of 40 acres of pro~Jr adjacent to Technioal School. 23. Letter from Chairman of Civic Committee, South Em Developnent Corp. re traffic signs. 24. Letter fram Glen Falls Flood Committee re acquisition ot land needed to provide holding ponds for Marsh Creek-Glen Falla area. 25. Letter from Glen Falls 1<'lood Committee re fUling operations in forebay sect10n ot Courtena~r Bay. ' \ \