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COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th June, 1976.
Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. June 1) - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (May 31 am June 7 .
Mayor's remarks.
CITY H.Alli,G}l~
4. Payment of invoices.
5. Re fonner Provincial Hospital Annex.
6. Pa~'IIl.ent of progress certificate re CJ. capit.a.l project.
7. h8tice of Motion re bond. issue.
8. Third reading of Zoning BJr-Law amendment re re-zoning propertJr on weBter~: side of
Linton Rd. for Building Space Investments Ltd. (lBt & 2nd readings given June 7).
"""i.O. 'l'hird rHading of Zoning By-Law amendment and resolution pursuant to Section .39 of
COrm:lunit;r Plaming Act re re-zoning of 1D.nd on northwesterly corner of SandJ' Point Rd.
and Maclaren Blvd. for Mra. FJ..leen Fmge (1st c: 2nd readings given June 7~
9. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at '17 Cohurf'1~f1d lot
adjoining 28 lIeu.den st. at rt>.ar of 77 Coburg ~t. for Hilyard Holdings Ltd. (1st & 2nd
readings given June 7, 1976).
(a) - Letter from Hunicipal Planning Director re said proposed re-zoninp, (questions re
amending the liun1cipal Plan, and app~ring Section .39 of the Cor;:anunity Plnnning
Act to tie the proposal down).
(b) - Letter from 11r. Ha1.ph J. ~te~len, solicitor for Dr. V. M. Zed re his client's
objection to the proposed re-zoning.
11. He Council's jurisdiction re regulating the number of liquor outlets in tl~ Cit~r of
Saint John.
12. Re jurisdiction of a municipality to ban Provincial Government spraJ'ing in the comr!1unity.
13. He amending Council resolution re purchase fran Mad.elyn Zed of property at 70 Queen St.
COl flv'uTTUi:S
14. Land Comnuttee 1'8 payment to Dept. of Veterans' Affairs re easement across Alfred. A.
~tcvens property, hnns trong ltd.., for Spruce Lake waterline.
15. l.iJ.ro Collmrittee re pcl;}-ment to Hr. JOf.eph illyre Hichard, Armstrong Rd. re eaS8nent for
Spruce Lttke \orater line.
i:J.f1. Land. Co%21m.ittee re ~ent to Gulf Oil Canada. Ltd. re share of realignment cost of
pump fsland at corner of '..ellesley and Lansdowne Aves.
18. Pla.nr~ng Adv:ia~.ry CODlJl1i ttee re l-lerton and Eileen I'udge. La.tir.1er Lake Rd.
19. Plcl1ming Advisory Comr.Jittee re T. E. Secord arri R. Debly Sub-d.ivision, Lakm:ood.
19A.A;Jplication from Hr. JameB E. Achorn, per hr. Kurt Ganz, to locate a mobile home on
; Golden (,rove I1.d.. property of Hr. Ganz.
20. li.equcst from IJational Youth Orchestra J.ssociation of Canada for 1'illc'l.ncial misistance;
re waking application for a grant.