1976-06-07_Agenda r.(tENDA COMMON COUNCIL - &8 at 4th June, 1976. .~ J.. Meeting cal.l.ed to order, 7.00 p.m.. June 7 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. (a) Presentation to City of gift of recent publication by the National Film Board. (b) Presentation ot awards tor Ess~ Beautitication Contest (1st & 2nd prizes); and Poster Contest (class project - 1st & 2nd prizes). 4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re- zone property on ,the westerly side ot Linton Road for Building Space Investments Ltd. (a) - Letter :from PJ.anning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. 5. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the former church building at 77 Coburg Street and an adjoining lot to its rear which fronts on Garden Street for Hilyard Holdings Ltd. (a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. 6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land on the northwesterly corner of Sandy Point Road and MacLaren Boulevard tor Mrs. Eileen Fudge. (a) - Letter :from Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. 7. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the former Beck Cleaners property on the southwesterly corner of Lowell Street and City Line (and possibly one or more adJoining or nearby lots now occupied by multiple f'amily dwellings) for l.fr. Bruce J. Stevens. (a) - Letter of objection to said re-zoning :from Mr. Tyler Hillman. {b} - Letter :from Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. ti. 7.45 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Daryl E. Watson on behalf of residents of Golden Grove Road 9. 8.00 p.m. - Presentation of brief' :from Board of' Trade re economic progress, per Mr. Pat Rocca, President. 10. 8.15 p.m. - Presentation by Mrs. Elsie Wayne, Chairman, Glen Falls Flood Committee, re Westmoreland Grove Heights development. CITY MANAGER 11. 1975 Annual Report of Police Department (laid on table May 31, 1976) 12. April report - Fire Department. 13. Progress payments re capital projects. 14. Financial Statements - Mai'ch and April. 15. April report - Technical and Inspection Services, including Plumbing. 16. Payment ot invoices. 17. Payment of' interim billing, H. R. Doane and Company, re annual financial statements f'or 1975 and audit report. 18. Re 1975 Financial Statements. ltiA.Report re air quality in City Hall building. COMMON CLERK 19. Third reading of proposed amendment to Water and Sewerage By-Law. (ld. on table May 25/76) 20. Third Reading ot Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land, south side ot Boar's Head Road for Kennebecas1s Realty Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given ~ 25) 21. Third reading ot proposed amendment to Garbage By-Law {1st and 2nd readings given May 31}. 22. Third reading of proposed amendment to Anti-Litter By-Law {let and 2nd readings given May 3l}. COMMI'1'TEE8 23. Committee of Whole report (June 7). 24. Planning Advisory Committee re application ot G. B. Contractors Limited tor temporary placement ot construction trailer in Spruce Lake Industrial Park. GENERAL 25. Letter from Saint John Construction Association, Inc. opposing increase in cost of building permit tees. 26. Letter :from Manager, Customer Services, Atlantic Postal Region re location ot sub- post office in West Saint John. 27. Letter :from Mrs. Elsie Wayne, Chairman, Glen Falls Flood Committee re meetings held with regard to flooding problems in Glen Falls-Rothes~ Avenue area. 28. Letter :from Shelter Resources Ltd. re land reserved for townhouses in planned develop- ment at Harbourview Subdivision, Ocean Drive. 29. Letter trom Mr. Donald L. Cullinan, Barrister, requesting extension ot permission to Mr. Ronald Hargrove tor location of mobile home on Lot 72-3, Lorneville. 30. Letter :from Mrs. Jean Williamson, St. Andrews, requesting permission to plan a study of the Loyalist Cemetery through a course in Environmental Education offered by the University of New Brunswick. 31. Letter trom North End Neighbourhood Association re watertront area in the North End. 32. Letter tram North End Neighbourhood Association re trattic problema at the intersection of Newman and Elgin Streets and Adelaide and Ma.in Streets.