COMMON COUNCIL - as at 28th May, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. ~ 31 - prayer.
2. Contirmation ot minutes (May 17 and 25 .
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Report re issue ot debenture regarding urban renewal loan advance by Central Mortgage
& .Housing Corporation tor the year ending June 30, 1975.
5. Report re tenders tor supply ot hose dryers tor new tire station.
6. Payment of invoices.
7. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Department ot Regional Economic Expansion
8. Report re tenders for athletic fs.ci11t1es, Shamrock Park.
9. 1975 Annual Report of Police Department.
10. Report re vacant and dilapidated buildings.
12. Re proposed Accommodations Standards by-law.
13.Re amending Anti-Litter By-Law and Garbage By-Law to provide for a minimum penalty.
14. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance ot p~ent in lieu of land for public purposes
re subdivision of Lot 8, DeWal.don Land Subdivision. ,
15. Planning Advisory Committee re sub-committee to examine history and effects of mobile
homes being permitted within City outside of mobile home parks.
16. Master Plumbers Examining Board advising ot results ot recent Master Plumbers examinations.
17. Traffic and Safety Committee recQllllllend1ng traftic changes to improve traffic operations at
Haymarket Square and to improve safety conditions at Meadoy Street.
18. ~affic and Sa.f'ety Committee re request from residents ot MacLaren Boulevard and Tqlor
Avenue to permit overnight on-street parking.
19. ~aftic and Safety Comm1 ttee re location of bus stops in City.
20. ~aftic and Safety Committee re assigning additional police patrol car to North End of City.
21. ~aftic and Safety Committee re unnecessary signs, pavement marksing and other trattic
control devices in City.
22. Letter trom Hon. G. W. N. Cockburn, Minister ot Health, re County Gaol building.
23. Letter from Kathleen Carr. Acamac Beach Road, re condition of roads in this area.
24. Notice trom 11qB. Liquor Licensing Board re hearing or application from Gerard Douglas
Ltd. for a dining room and loung licenses for premises located at Hilyard Place.