COMMotl OOUNCIL - as at 23rd April, 1976.
1. Heeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. April 26 - praJrer (to be offered by Captain H. C.
Quinn, Chaplain of Royal Canadian Sea
Cadet Corps "Rodney").
2. Ha.:ror's remarks.
3. 7.00 p.n. - Attendance by colow' guard from no~'al Canadian Sea Cadet Corps "Rodne~.II,
re rja~r League Heek.
4.. Re donation of score-clocks for new arenas.
5. Re purchasing procedure s .
6. ne Eicrsh Creek flood control - position paper.
7. Ee C.P.R. mlol'eline level crossing - Sand Cove Il.d.. L1air1t1mnnce of flashing light signals
and bell.
8. Re proposed lei~islati()n to incorporate a Central Business Devc10j'Dcnt Corporati. on for
CitJr of .:iaint ~rohn bJr ~)aint John Board of Trade.
9. Re asphalt supp~r contract renewal.
10. Report re curbside gal'hage collection systcm.
li. r~e proposed new Height J~strictions B~r-La"l (lst & 2nd readings given April 5, 1976).
12. Comr.c ttee of Lhole rcport (April 20).
13.. ,Report: "from Dog B;;T_lil\/ ComLJ.i.ttee.
14. Land Committee re rescinding sale of Lot 4, Kiwanis Court, to Mr. Russell Higgins.
15. Land ComrJittee re sale of lot 4, Kiwanis Court, to }.fr. Roy \II. McKirmey.
16. Lane. Comnittee re sale of Lot l, Kiwanis Court, to Hr. Leo P. ~re.
1'1. Land COInrcut.t..ee re sale of freehold land at 292 }1ain Street to Hr. David Goguen.
H$. Lund. CorJLlittee re correction in date referred to in submission to April l2, 1976
Council meeting rc rescinding of sale of land. to Hr. L. B. Primc.
1'). ILeport from Traffic and Safety Commit;tec re H. Gerald Teed Home ~ School Assoc. requust
for several changes on Hillidge Ave.
2U. Heport from ~)aint John Port DeveloJ:rnent Gollllllission for period JanUc1.ry to l.fu.rch 31, 1976.
Letter from Saint John Ilistrict Labour Council rcqut:sting ll.ppcarance to d1sCUGS restraint
programL16 of senior ~overnlllents, et cetera.
Letter frolIl Jclint John Civic l:.nployees' Union, Local 1io. 18, C.U.J' .E. relluesting copy
of the establisbment.
Letter from Four Civic Unions re status of the l,'estern Police Stati on.
Letter from Pow' Civic Unions re status of t~bugge5tions submitted to City 11areger
and to the Director of Persomlel and 'l'raining.
Let.ter from Four Civic Unions re Sick Le"Vt;, ~kntal Plan and Group Life coyerage.
8.15 p.m.
Conferring Freedom of City 01' Saint John upon Dr. R. H. Pendrigh.