,4 G END A
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 14th May, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m. ~ May 17 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (~ 3 and 10).
3. ~orls remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - Presentation of Water and Sewer Rate Study by H. R. Doane and Company
(copies previously given to Council members)
5. Report re tenders for sale of building, Whalen Road.
6. Re sub-division agreement with Llama Construction Limited re Allison Heights
Subdivision - Phase 1.
7. Progress ~nt re a capital proJ ect.
8. Progress ~nts re proJects undertaken under Department of Regional Economic
Expansion progr8llllle.
9. Report re tenders ror repairs to brickwork at No.7 Fire Station.
10. Re landscaping and curbs, City-owned property on south side or Magazine Street.
11. March report - Fire Dept.
12. 19.6 Capital Budget.
13. Reply to Council inquiries re service stations and also Cedar Point Trailer Park.
15. Land Committee re expropriation ot easement required ror Spruce Lake water line.
16. Land Committee re purchase of property, 70 Queen Street trom Mrs. Madelyn Zed.
17. Land Committee re sale or property otr Fa1rvUle Boulevard to Standard Machinery
& Equipment Company Limited.
18. Planning Advisory Comm1 ttee re acceptance ot pqments in lieu ot land tor public purposes
:from (1) Roy G. McCullough; (2) Judith Lawton.
19. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision plan with respect to street corner
widening, southwesterly corner of Millidge and Woodward Avenues.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re mobile home located at the rear ot the Marit1mer Motel
on Ocean Westway.
21. Planning Advisory Comm.i ttee re variance of Council resolution re Millidgeville Estates
subdivision, Phase 4, for East Side Enterprises Ltd.
22. Saint John Housing Commission submitting proposed Accommodations Standards by-law.
23. Letter trom Mr. M. Hunter, representing taxpayers along Golden Grove Road, re condition
of said road. ,
24. Letter from Suuth End Development Corporation Inc. re implementation ot South End
Development Plan.
25. Letter from The North End N'ighbourhood Association re building, 60 Metcalfe Street.
26. Letter from The North End Neighbourhood Association re improvement of Victoria Street.
27. Letter from The North End Neighbourhood Association re building, 23-25 Vicoo:tra Street.
28. Letter trom Provincial Minister of Justice re conditions in the Saint John Provincial Jail.
29. Application trom Sonier Ornamental Iron Ltd. ttor re-zoning of property, Simms St. West.
30. Letter from Mr. Peter R. Stanton seeking employment in Police Department.
31. Letter trom Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E.,
re application for employment :from Mr. Peter R. Stanton.