CONII)lf COUNCIL -all at 15th 'April, 1976
1. Heet.iDgcalled to order, Tuesday. Am-U 20. 4.00 P.D1. - prayer.
2. Confirmation ot minutes (April 5 and 12). .
J. Mayor I 8 remarkas.
el'l'Y lW;AGER
4. March report - Tflchnical and Inspectlon Services, including PlUlllbing.
5. Report. re tenders to demolish fomer Police Station, 138 King Street East.
6. ProgreS8 payment :re a cltpital project.
7. " Progress payments re project. undertCll-:~ un:ler Dept.Reg1oncu. Economic I;xpa.nsion progr811.Dle.
.e. Re wooden sewers, Ba~'Il1arket Square.
S. Re highway salt vs. sand for ice control.
10. Re appl1cation for gravel pit by Grow Construction Ltd.: bond requirer~ent.
lOA.Report re tcnders to der:.lOlish 2:>3 S;'tinej st.
lOB.Report re tenders for operating canteen concessions.
lOC ;Report re old Citr Hall buildings.
lOD.Re proposed tWO""'\'faY operation for traffic on Union St.
ll. Proposed \.eight. 'Restrictions BJr-Law (1st tt 2nd. rcad1.ng8 given Apr. 5, 1976)..
?lanning . Adv1sory Comnittee 1"8 application by John Paul Realty Limited for re-zoning
of iJ. parcel of land behind 582-586 Sand Cove Ikl., oppodte Young st..
Planning AuviaoJ'1' COL1I:littee re Icceptance. of payments in Ueu or lam for public purpo.e...
frau: (1) Gregory C. Renton; ( ) Estate ot D.K1l1g Hazen. ' ,
Saint John Housing Commission ~ operation of Cedar Point MobUe Heme Park. '
. ~~
15. Letter from Hiniste2- of Env1.ronment, NetlBrunswick re ~ 8-29 clean-up time in N. .B.
16. Letter from Mr. J. WUrred furne~.. 1.94 GN8ndaleCresaent.ro lo.cation otbas.eball
c111W1ond adjacent to UreendaleCrescent.