1976-04-10_Agenda AGEID! ';.'. c. CQIOI)B COURCIL - as at 7th JIq, 1976. ." ',~~ ...... L ,JlBet1ng called to order, 7.00 b.Il.. 'May 10 "- JD"&Y'8r. 2. Mayor' sNm&l"ks. 3. 7...30 p~m. - Request .from Loyalist Days Inc. lDyalist Lane Cowdttee, per Committee .Chairman,Mr. B. C. McIsaac, for creation of an open air pudestrian mall tor wJral1st Days 1976. _ Brief .from Mr. Daryl K. \latson on hehalf of res1dents of Golden Grove Rd., requesting 1rapro'V81lent or Golden Gro\re Rd. _ Letter fran}1r. K. Hunter, representing taxpayers along Golden G100ve Hd., requesting .that this road be built proper~r. cm MAIULGm 5. Report or Recreation ani Parka Dept. - Janua17 through Karch, 1976.. 6. Re garbage oollection contract with Mr. E. J. Ferguson. 7. Ue King Street East flew tire station: extra cost re performance borr:l;labour and I:l&ter1al ~rment borr:l.. 8. IleK1ng Street .East new tireatatioo: expenditure required for tum18h1ngs am equ1.paent.. 9. Pa~nt otre81 property tax b1ll on <a.ty-owne<1 Hilton Bel1ea Arena, lowell, St.. for 1976,..- 10,. Report or tenders for demoll:t.10n otCity-owned. propertJr at 37 Le1nst'er St,. lQA,.Report of tenders tor supplying p1a)rground equipaent. and l*rta.. lOB.ReRotice ot Intention to F.<<propr1ate land to tdden Ba18ld.e D1"ive, from Saint John Tugboat anifraa John Paul Realty L1.Id.tecl. lOG.Re Market. Square project - financial v1abil1tystudy,. lOD'~Payment o:t invoice... ' lOS.Report for Februaryot Worka Branch, Engineering and 'Works Dept.. lOF.Repart re Cedar Point Trailer Park. ' lOG.Re status ot suggestions, etc.subrd.tted by the tour civic Un1one. 4.' 7.4:; p.m. (a) .j . " ,COl4MI'l"l'1'1SS 11. Land CoJIID:I.ttee repa,meni toGult 011 Canada Ltd.. as Ci V" sahare ot cost for realigrmmt of pump1sland ataerv1ce stat.ion, comer ottlelles1ey J~ve.. '....Lansdowne Ave. 12. Land Comm1ttee re easement t'ran RarIdy's(1975)Ltd. :re Marhs Creek~r l1ne:rescind . April 12. 1976 CouncU re801ution; enact a new CotU1c1.l resolution. 13. Land.Committee repurchase ot treehold interest ot Krs... Marion E. Henr:Y am Mrs. IJ.oycl Sanson at 147 Queen St.., plus legal tees. \ 14. l.hnd CoI:mttee 1'8 sale of land to ~lr. David ~n, 292 !-Ia1n st. ' 15. Land Conrnittee re Call for Exp1"flssions ot ~oJEent. Interest re old City Hall buildings, and re negotiations on propoaa1. rece,i ved from Saint John District Labour Temple Company. 16. Planning Advisor.r COlllr:1ittee 1'8 access to Lot 3 of Ronald and Jerry 8uith ~ub-d.ivision, off Golden Grove Rd.; assent. to said sub-<iiviBion.plan. 17. Planning Advisory-Committee re assent to JUlisen Heights Sub-ci1v1sion plan. 17A.\iorks Committee re staff training programme. }~gineer1ng Brld \Jorks Dept. ~ " GI'aNlItAL 18. Lettel' from Saint Jolm Ci~r II&J.l &lployees' Union, IDeal 486, C.U.P.E. re quality of air supply cil"cu1ated throughout City Hall building,Market ~re. 19. Letter fran Grandview Avenue Home and. School Assoc. repeating previoUs request for e:;..-t.en- sion ot water facilities to Gramv1ew Ave. school. ~. Let.terfrom Mrs. Marguerite Ptiacock, 1M. Llllott ltow, advocating prohibitionat' parking to correct dangerous blocking ot view to vehicles in area ot hill on Elliott How~ and on Crown. St., and advocating pt:destrian crossing lights in said area. 21. Letter from Senior f'riems or the Haoicraft Guild, re postponing lea De of space on third floor or City Market until J~v 1st., 1976. 22. ~tter fl"Otl Gull" Oil Canada I.1Ja:i.ted, making application for permission to convert the City lid. 6Illd Blair St. service Dt.ation facility from manned gasolinc bar operation to self -serve,. 22A.Appl1cation tr<D Building Space Investments Ltd. for re-zoning ot Lot '74-1, Linton Rd. 22B.Appl1cation fran Hilyard Holdings Ltd. for re-zoning of 77 Cobw'g st. ani vacant lard on Garden St. I I I I