COMMON COUNCIL - as at. 9t.h April, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 1.0u )).0.. April 12 - pra~rer.
2. Mayor's reaarks.
3. 7.00 p.m.
(lit )
4. 7.15 P.nl.
_ Proposed anwndlnent to Zoning By-Law to re-zone tor John Paul H.ealty 1td.
lund behind. 586 and 582 Sund Cove Rd. opposite Young ~~t. to perr:dt construction
ot a six-unit apartlllent building tlE )'eon.
Letter from Planning Adv180r~r Co.tlllittee asking extension of time for report
froo Cow.u t tee.
_ Letter of objection to said re-zoning from Hr. J. B. Lldridge.
_ Letter of objection to scuel re-zon1ng from Mrs. JI.. G. Mer~rwleatber.
- Petition opposing said re-zoning.
_ Prcsentution of Brief from Saint John Hegional LibralJr Boc-rei of Corunissioners,
per Chairoan, Mr. Harold. Stafford, 1'e new librar;".
5. Report re tenders to dem.olish 122-:J.24 Britain Street.
6. Report re bids for Buppl.ying expendable play equ1ILlent.
7. He port re tenders for supp~ring a tmling service.
U. PaytlEmt of invoices.
9. He purchase of a diesel engine for Fire Dept. pumper !'-lo. 25, 1956 La France.
10. Le 11ark,~t ~iquare develop;1cnt complex propertJr e;:propriatiolls.
lOA.F.eport re bids for installing a new roof on Huuber 5 fire station.
10AA. He Ltighbourhood lllprovemcnt Programme plan re South Lnd.
Civic Improvenent and IleautiticcLtion COLlnittee letter rc Royal Ganadian Legion-initiated.
anti-litt.er progrcllIU:le.
wnd Comnittee letter re pc1.:rrnent for eavcucnt to H.llmy's 1975 Ltd., Harsh Creek ~wage
~cheL1e .
l.ilnd Cor,mttee letter r*' rescinding Council resolution for sale of freehold of lot at
intersection of Hodney 5t. am 11arkE~t Place \'Jest to L. B. Prir,1e.
Lam Conunittee letter re 8ale of Lot 5, Ki'\-:nnis Court, to HI'S. FredE:rick ~)<:tl~r.
Lund Cor:u:rittee letter )'*, rcacinding Councilreaolution for Bale of freehold of lot at
300 VHtson 5t]'e,~t, \fest, to }fir. Ian Donald.-
Plc:.nning hdvisory Conr1i.ttee letter re parking at part of the Fort HmJe oite, south side
of Eagazine Street, opponite I'ort Ho.:e j'pCLrtments.
Planninc Ad vll, OlJ" Cour:1i ttee rc Caldo Ltd. request for l'enssessnent of need for street
j)l'ov1sions re Pm'c~ls A unci B of Hillidgevi11e Lstatt:s, Ph".i."c III.
18. lLe Harsh Cl'eek Flood Heport (Councillor }{. Vincent).
19. Le proposal to nake Union 5trt~et one-'rmy for its entire leni;th (Colmcillor Y.ippin:;).
20. 1:e pro iJOsed amenduent to AOhttoir i\.ct (Councj.llor Y.ippin~;).
21. L..~, tel' fro" Ill'. \.-i11ian Ii. Dupuis on behhD of residents of Josse~ Sub-di vis':'on re
pr,-vious Clnd pr,,~;ellt rcque at fOl' e;:ttmsion of f:w"!t:rCl.t;c, iuprovcr.l(:nts tv road, incre.:~sed
vwter prt;S6Ure and aclchtional stre,:t li~;hts.
22. Let:..(;)' from Lorneville I~uteptQrero J~SSoc. re need for Lorm;villE' Hoad to be ir,:proved.
2). Let..tE~r from ~~ocial ~)E;rvices COW'lcil of GrCclter ~iClir:t ,Tolm re need for H YouU, ~;:luad in
the ilolice Depart..nent.
;>..4.. Le-zoning applichtion of Paueon Brothers Co. Ltd. re propert:l' cJdjacEmt to 4.83 Sen 0t.,vlest.
25. hp;;licut..ion fror,l Mrs. Elsa Johm,ton re [.lobile home.
26. J,pplicotion froLl hr. 'i;illiam Aucoin re mobile hOr:\e.
26J..J.pplication from Clad: Insw'unee ~( Administrators Ltd., Mr. Ii. j,<.l C~rk~ for re-zoning
of 1;~6 Duke ~)t. to allo,,; operation therein of em in~urance CODj)CJ.ny and Cl dental practice.
2'1. hpplicalion from John Largtl j,rchitect Limited, for client, hennebecElsis hcalt:lr Ltd. for
]~-zon1ng of 7413 - Lot 74.2, Boar's Head, Boad.