1976-03-15_Agenda . '-:;1""'" ,~/i'Z:-\.}"~ ,~'_ ',_ ,_ , t:;':A([SJfl) ~ '>1>~,~~~e"~'_, ':""'~.~:,~.",.' - ,. ~,';-l..:_~,.'~ cwJ 1M to orcler# ;,' 2. ,"MaTOl"'. lWIILrka. .*-.-"t'" ,"~ ,;~, i' COIII)Jf COUJ<<:n. - ae at 12th March. 1916. .I ::1 j ~.oo p.... March 15 - P1"'9'6r. 2A.~Tocamation re Internat.ional. .DeMolay \:eek. CITY WdlA('rUt 3.Re acquisition of 23-25 Hill ~)t. ;:rom Forrester Green (Urban Renewal). 4. ':financial sta.tements - December. ,. "Resewerea.aement frotrl Canadian Hilt.:iona11\a.i1Ylay Coopany. 6. ReParamed1cProl;ramme. COl4MIT'l'l.J .;s 1. Plaming 'Advisory Ootlli1ittee ro aBsent t.o Ylj)Hdgeville Letatcs SuWivi$ion, 81ase IV,' aub-dlv1sion plan. .. , , B .Ci vie Iri1jlDOvement and Beautification Cor,a..! ttee re,enfc:r cementot prohobition ofpark1ng on grassed arcus, and1lleg~r beJrond curb., 9.Ciucflaprovuuent. al1'dBeauW"1ca~1on (;ommittee 1'8 1r:!pr"OVeI.lent of .attitude of citizens ot Saint John (more positive a.ttitude) 'toward our clt~r. 10. Civic Itlprovement atld Beautification COInL11ttee requesting thattrucl(reutes be clearly designated. I , i I i .,~ . ',GKl~YOO, ',' '. 'i' ;t . U.ReplyfromM1n1.sterofJuat1ce:;tqrequ8st for an .1nqu1Jof. '. :. ..... ..'. , . '. '12. Lett.ertxql N. B~AsB~tJ.bn."n.t;Reg1.at.eJoed Ivseare bue. checlUe8'.t ,OI.ty Transit Ltd. ,13. Letter t1"OD1Glen7an.,~Comrd~te.reque.t.1ng eop:l.' of' ()Or.rea~ndenOtt re'measure.to , d.-.lw.f. thGlen' Falls f1.00ding"prbblemJ r.e aeeJc1ngb7'CU~7 ot -~- ^:to',;COrr9ctUars.h -Creek ;. 14. ~~:~. a~aG:1~~~e:. of Gllbcrt, }iCclloan~~i ~'.~ i~<&l.J~e.~: .Darr1~ters, -/ 'comment1ngon cont.ent8~'Ci'tY:f.ioll.cit.or'8'lett.er..Ie }.rarel1~\CoUricn meeting reGlen . \ Palls flocxi1ng and .pl"O}J03ed :~torium 'on bu1lcl1.niiperm1til. . - . .... , 14A ~ne - ~tera.tlonto roa.d, - j\U1otionof MichAel ~Cre_nt ~ and l!a.rk l)r.iV8(CouncUlorJ's'e ).' . :, ,15. saint 'John Policemen-s -ProtectiVe, Aasocia~()n.I.bcal ,61, re 'replac_nt for Deput;), Pol1oe~" CtJ.ef I~. H. Stone~ due soon to retire. 16. Uaint JohnPolicolllen's Prot6ctive A8socia~on.IDca.1. 61, requesting the hstf,.bllshr4ent ot the Sldnt Je)hn Police Department. . 17. Letter from N. B. Ur81Jch, United Iimpire Lo~7tl.lists' Assoc. of Ganada, submitting CO~T of resolution of the llrc\J:lch that has been for.larded to PrimeHJinister and asking CoIIDCil's endors.ntion of said r~sol.ution. lB. ~tter froo Saint _Tohn 11rpographlcal Union, r:o. 85, I'(l we or uni,onizE,d shops for printing of City's tourist litcra:ture, etc. 19. Application froLl Logan Motors Ltd., South Baj', for 8 building permit to E~rect SiQ1S. .20. Notice from IJ,. H. l.1.quor Control CctJmission re ht;aring of l..ppJ.ica.tion frotI Golden Lion l..it.U.ted for it beverltg(? room license. 21. liotic.e frOtl n. B. l.iquorControl GomLd.ssion ro hbaring of application from f;. B. Lodge 1;0. ~6, R.I..d.B., for a club license. J ~.