COMMON COllliCIL - as at 5th March, 1976.
i. Meeting called. to order, 4.00 p.m.. March 8 - prayer.
2., Conf'irma tion of minutes (Fcbruary 23; March 1).
3 . Mayor's remarks.
4. Re demolition of No.1 fire station, King St. Last; re nevI' fire station, King St. 1ast.
5. Report re clilergen~' lighting, CitJ' Hall.
6. Progress payment re a capital project.
7. Progress pel.yments re projects undertaken under Dept.Hegional Lconomic Lxpansion programme.
8. , Heport re apprel.isal on ParrtoWl1 :'averns Ltd." 31 Ivater St.; re I>UJruont of accounts from
Appraisals (Fund~f Ltd.).(pa~'t.1ent laid on table Feb. 23, 1976).
9 . j~o port em tenders for Police and Fire Departnenta cl$thing.
lO. JanuaJ"j<- report, Fire Dept.
li. Approval of iteos for prelirlliM~r capital programHe, 1976.
12. Report on tenders for demolition ot 220-224 Charlette st., and 228-230 Charlette St.,
and 81 Britain St.
13. Report l'e damages Duatnined in Feb. 2, 1976 wind storm.
l3A.Report re harbour bridge insurance.
l3B.Re hiring policr, Saint John Police Dept.
14. HH request made by Mr. JI.. H~ liilbert ,~. C., solicitor for propert~r ovmers in Glen Falls
flooding area that no further building pennits be issued, and that all huildings being
constructed under presont building permit_, until the flooding situation is remedied.
15. Letter 1'rOOl ~int John Board of Trade re above noted request of Glen Falls flOOding area
16. Letter fl'om Lawson Hotors Ltd. re Rnove noted requost of Glen }'alls flooding area ~
residents. (letter \-.rritten on beh.J.fDfLm:80n ~Iotor8 Limitod, Central Uluipl1(mt, Tri-Provinc~
Leasing, D tc J Hotors, Atlantic Auto Parts, Fair~'iCather Tirt~s Ltd. Hnd East Side Hot0I's). :
17. Letter from Hr. \.allace S. Turnbull, of PClllOOr, O'Conncll, Leger, '...'urnbull & '.i.'urnbull, .
Barristers, on behalf 01' landholders Clnd liUsmes8 IClcn in East LOO of city, requesting to
be heard rc above nott-'C1 request of 1,1100 Falls flooding area residents.
18. Let tel' 1'1'001 Saint John Construction Association, Inc.; reque~,ting an opportunit;,' to
discuss the propost:cl curtailr.1ent of construction in the Lflen Falls v;atersbed.
19. Letter fror,l Saint Johr, , ana District liome Builders Association, rcqut.sting to be
ht;ard regarding thc propmled curtailment of conotruction in the Glen Falls vlHtersheli.
COlfl-1ITTLl;;S ~ B0A}illS
20. COlll:d.ttee of the \,'hol(~ l'epOl't (Barch 1).
21. Lourd of Trustees, Civic fuployees I Pension Plan, advising of employees dtw to retire.
22. Planning Jldvisory COLll.uttee rc: assent to Hillidgeville Estates, Phase 5 & Alpha
Investments Dub-u.ivision plan.
23. ~int John Housing CoIi1l:ussion re oI5eration of Cedar Point Hobile Homt.: Pary..
24. Saint John Housing COIJLussion re possibili t:,r of using ~'onner ~aint John ':'uberculosis
Hospital for housing accoIJlL1ooC1.tions.
25. Follow-up letter frOI.1 Shillington Hoad residents re previous request for v;ater and
s6vierage on saiel Hoad.
26. Petition from 0cnior Citizens of Loch LomoOO Villa re bus s;)fstem.
27. Lett,er from H. Gerald Tced Home &. School Assoc.' re lowering of speed lir:rl.t on M.ll1dge
Av. at Boar's Head Hd. intcrsection; re erection of a school cross-walk sign at the
Danit~l A Vt:: . -Vdllid ge Ave. crOf:> s-walk.
28. Letter fronl M:r. \:illlam H. Hintern re City budgetary rest)'ainls.
28A .Application froLl John Paul Realt;)' requesting re-zoning of propertJ', Sand Cove Rd.., off
\/allace Court.
29.. ApIJlica tic>n from Joan T. Nelson for a temporary permit for a mobile home.