COMMON COUNCIL - as at 27th February, 1976.
l. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. March 1 - prcwer.
2. ~or's remarks.
3. .F--
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Jh Re Varta 13a t teries Ltd., Fairville Boulevard.
5. Ee Humber 1 Company, ~)alvage Corps and Fire Pcllice: (a) issue of "/arrant to new mern)'er,
Galj' I~Tart; (b) confin:lhtion of new1~,r elected Captain {ind Lieutcnant for ~rear 1976 .
6. Information report re Canada Am,istatlce Plan re grants fron GitJT to organizations.
;7., Information report re re-erection of hydro poles, Bayside Drive.
8. Inforl!lE:.tion report re cost of acquisition (total) of 542 Eain Strcet from Irving Oil Co.Ltd.
(aee item 12).
9. ,January report - \iorku Branch: 'of'~I:ngii1eel"ingr& bt,i~ks Hept.
10. Janl.IDry report - "~ater fC Scwerage Division of ~iorks Dept.
COl-t10N CIL1U~
11. Third reacung of Building By-Law amendment (1st & ;~nd readings given Jan. 26, 1976).
l1A.Thil'd reading of Traffic By-Lm" amendment (lst ~c 2nd readings given Feb. 23, 197b).
l2. H.e 511-2 Lain Street Bill of Costs, Irving Oil Co. Ltd. (see item 8).
13. Land. COflunittee rc sale of easement to N. B. Electric P()\oIer Comnission to Coleson Cove.
1L1-. Planning J.dvioory Coru,1ittee re CU!lenqr:lElnt to Zoning D~r-Law re size of septic tank lots.
15. Plmming Advi~)orJr COr.1ruttee re variation of Council resolution of April 21, 1975 for
Higluncado"l Park, R1Cl.Se II plan.
16. Report from Civic Inprovement and I3eautification Committee re f.1eeting \</ith Animal
Rescue League re Dog BJr-Lftw.
~ r
17. He dULlping of fill in the Nystery Lake area (Councillor ~).
18. H.c lifting of tolls fran harbour bridge during closure for repairs of Heversing Falls
bridge (Councillor MacGowan).
19. Lo~ralist Days Inc. Board of Directors, requesting nGra.ssuing o~ pt;r..uits or licenses far
shm'is, etc. during Lo:rd1ist Days 1976, without approval of Loyalist Bays Inc.
20. Letter fron Saint John District Labour Council re cutting of bus service.
21. Let'ter from nose l{. lIm:rl.lton, 1B7 ildelaide St., objectin!~ to lack of bus service.
22. Petition from Golden Harps Senior Citizen Club, protesting discontinuing of buses in
evenin?; hours.
23. Letter from. Jack and Doris L. \!ilson, II Vale Crest Drive, re objE-"Ction to building of
EI penitentia~T in clofJe pror.iuitJ' to their home.
24. Hr. A. B. Gilbert, Q. C., Gilbert, 11cGloan, Gillis (c Joncn, Darristers, on behalf of
propcrt~' millers in the disaster area of Glen Falls, requesting moratorium on construction
of buildings in sedd arca until floodinl; situation is rt~medied; requesting ans"lcrs re
whether City will take steps to Iwotect propertJ' owners.
24A.Saint .fohn llarbour Bridgc Authority bu:lget, March 31, 1976-April l, 1977.
25. Lette~ from~lr. Ulward D. \',tls}l, 42 Princess St., re Cbega Investments Ltd.
26. ~)aint John Policcnen's Protective ilssociation, Local No. 61, C.U.i'.E., opposing estab-
lishrilcnt of a Federal penal institution \<lithin limits of Cit:r of Saint John.
27. ~ic..int John i'olicemen's PJ'Otective hS5ociation, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., opposing the
proposed closing of police stations in both the eastern and ..estern sectors of city;
rcquefiting that the AS8oci'ltion be consulted in said matter.