CO.MHJN roUNCIL - as at FeblSrY 20, 1976.
11 Meeting called to order, li..OO p.tl.. FebI"1.Br.'r ~ - prayer.
2~1l: Confirl:l1.tion of ,mnutes (Feb. 9 & 16).
3. Mayor's remarks.
CITY l!Jl\.NhUl.:R
~. : .. ~ijRc~t ~... l?~.sfg ~?rbJ?t~~~~5~g~h~t literature.
i .~, Repo~ re ~t~s on rire Hose, et.c~tera.
:;<.. :.:;,~, Report ,~';'ll.W1s fo~ golf supplies. . ,
8. Janua~'~jert - .l,echnical &, Inspect~on 0el'viees.
9. Il.>cquisition of 23-25 Hill 5treet from Forrestcr Green (Urban Henewal).
10.. 'Paj-Irient of Land Compen!3ation Board il.ward re 520 llain 0t., Irving~il Company Limited
(Urban Ren~lal expropriation).
11. Payment of legal fees to Palmer, () f Connell, l.eger, Turnbull &. Turnbull (Urban Renewal).
12. Pa~lIl1ent of It;gal fees to hcKel vey, l-;acaula;y, Machum & l'ai1"\'wather (Urban Henewal).
13. P'drmvnt of accounts to }.'EJICO re study re sea wall.
14. Re sub-division agreement \iitll Last Coast Enterprises Limited re }t""orest IliUs Sub-div. , ~
15. Progress pa.~'lnents re projects undertaken under Dept .Regional Economic Expansion pro gramme. "
\ 16. Progress pc"l.yments re capital projects. j
17., Re titir:tulation Grant 1975 Agreement.
l7A.Pa;rment of accounts from Appraisals (Fundy) Ltd. (Ur-ban Renewal).
l7B.Payment let_~ accounts from Tri-Town lLealt:" (Urbw HeilH\.wl).
l7C. T)ayment ot accountD trom. L"halliid8au:.bngineijl'in~Har4.ttm88 ,1.W. ~ url1Cill nenewal).
l7D.r'nyncnt of accounts from Clark" Drumm1e t, Co. CUrban nenewal).
17E.Re confi:nn.ation of 1976 elected officers of No.2 Cor.tpan..v, Salvage Corps & Fire Police. ' ;
17F.Re repair and remodelling of 226 Waterloo 5t.(A.L.Belyea), re deferred widening by-law.
l?G.Re Samt John Fundy Region Developnent Comr.u.ssion Agrecmcnt,.
17H.PayJ11ent of various invoices.
l7I. Payment of accounts from Roy de Stecher &. i\ssociates Ltd. (Urban Rene\..a1).
18. Third reading of amendment to 5ubdivision By-Law. (see item 19)
. ~"
, ~~
19. Proposed cl.r:ltmdment to Subdivision By-Law (see item'l8).
20. Proposed alllendmen t to 7ra.ffic By-Law.
21. lteport of Grants Committee.on Budget. (see item 38) ~
22. COI.lI'.rl.ttee of the \"ihole report (Feb. 16, 1976). ,~
2). }iomina ting Comr:rl. ttce report.::
24. 7raffic a.nd Safety Cot1Llittee report. ;1
25. Land. Conmi.ttee re proposed 5ewer Ea,f;ement Agreement \-lith National Harbours Bd. (see i tern 25A:
25A.Proposed Sewer l:;''lSement ,.greel:lent \-lith t,ati onal Harbours Bel. (laid on tahle Dec.22,l975). .. .
26. land COLlLU ttee re expropriation of John Searle property for Ht,. Pleasant and MacDonClld St. 'i
, C) tLns ion.
27. Land Committee re following transactions:- (see related [,lap)
(A) Pa~"mtmt to Hr. J hn Thomas for darru.Lges to property.
(B) fla;ymen t to Hr. F~anchl Donahue for pennanent easement.
(C) Payment to Hiss Yvon LeBlanc for easement, etc.
(1)) Pa~'laer,t to Hr. George \J. Parkin for easement, etc.
(L) Pa~'T:.lent to Hess)'s. Clc,rtnce J. Barriault and Jcanien 5avoie for easement.
(F) Payment to HI'S. L. Viola Ii. H. 5kavn for permanent easeoent.
(G) Pa:n,clt:nt to Hr. hrvin J. M.orneau of compensation for t;asement.
(11) Paynent to Hr. William P. Harrity for easement,.
28. Eeport of 5aint John Port Dvvelo)Y1le1t Comrdssion during 1;0 st six monthB of 1975.
29. Saint John Port DevelofEent Cornr.11ssion re proposed amcndnent to Terms of Reference.
30. Letter from Councillor Y-.ipping re: (1) two-way traffic on clll of Union 5t.; (2)
of a head tax or a poll tax; (3) Dog Ey",Utf enforceot....nt.
31. Boord of Directors of ~)t. Joseph '"5 1Iospital re Bayard Drive.
32. ~lint Jobn District Labour Council re nccd for use of salt on city winter streets and for
removal of build-up of ice from streets and sidewalks.
33. Greater Saint John District Council of Public mp1oyeef', C.lI.P.E. letter re discussion
of Local 18 by Council, during Council t s February 16th meeting.
34. Letter from postmaster to lack of sub-post office facilities in lO\'ler \Jest Side area.
35. Petition fror,l 5imonds Lions St.'n1.or Citizens re bus schedule of City !;ransit Ltd.
36. Petition from No rtr I Lnd Silver Threads 5enior Citizens Club re bus schedule of City
Transit Ltd.
37. Peti,tion from Market Building 5enior Citizens Club re bUB s chcdule of
3~. Letter from Saint Jolin School of Harine Techn~ogy re 1976 grant from
39. Letter from Bra. Myrna D. Hright, 171 St. Janes St., saint John hest,
40. Re-zoning application from Knights of Col\U'llbus.
41. &tint John Policetlcn's Protective Assoc. ,local 61, .re Rules and Regulations.
42. 5aint John PolicOOlcn's Prd;.ective Assoc.,I..ocal 61, 're hiring policy. '
'; 1
: J
City Transit Ltd. .~~
Git;;r (see item 21) ~:~
re cross-walk guards oi
'j {'
, ~1