-.-. ~,
Gmi1101J GOlIlIC IL
ns ,at ;30th January, 1976.
ConJ~:inwd~:i.on of COllllcil I,1cet.:i.!lL~ of Fehruary I" 19'16 - ~ly rct;d.n correspondence.
!1ollday, Yehrlli.l.:.Y_~ 1')'16 - I~.(JO p.m.
6. Progress payment re a Dept.Rcr,ionul Eco!lomic J~pansion programme project (lnid on table
Junuury 26, 1976).
7. Payment of 1')76 automobile f1<.~et coverage prCI!litml.
8. He execution of client-architect agreement lwt\';ecn Cit;yr and R. D. Purdy Assoc:ill. t,c:s,
a~3 nmcnded, re architectural Bervices, Shnrnrocl:: Park.
eA. Re 1976 operating budget (rrw.teria1 itvailab1e Honday).
. 'm er(lm~l t t COHHOH CLlmK
9. Third l'eadinh 16~irlP.lrablgg By-Lavl (l~;t f.r.. 2nd readinGS given .Tnnus.ry 2(>).
10. Thj.rd reading of GarbaGe By-ut\,/ (1st & 2nd readint;s given JcLrH,;.arJ 2()).
11. 'J'hird reading of Building B~r-Lav/ f.Jnendnlfmt (1st & ;~nd reb.dings given January 26). (see
item l2)(see item J of,
CITY SOLICI'J'OR .. agenda dated Febru~n-y 6, 1976,
12. He reque~ting vie...,s of Planning AdvisorJ' Conmittee on propo~led Building B~r_Jjl.\'1 amendr.1ent,
prior to third reading. (see item 11)
13. Proposed amendment to Parking Heter D;y-L'1\I. (see it,em D of agenda dated Febru:'ry 6, 1976:
C01,llUTTE1 ;S
14. Pl<mr,ing AdviSOF,}r CorJr,littee 1'0 I:lobile home ap plica tion of HI's. Joan God.freJ'.
15. Plnnning Advisory COLU'.uttee re acceptance of pn;yments in lieu of land for public
purposes from: (1) Dr. lucLacl Keating (Pine Realty); (2) EII:l(!J' Hm,1r.lOnd.
16. 'l.'r::tffic and Sftfcty Corar.uttee re proposed Traffic By-Lc,ltl aT.lenduent re parking overnight
on AlexnndrCl. Street.
17. He need for pos sible erection of a ItSlov1 Children It sien on Hillidge lwenue by
Daniel flverlue and Park un'm Court (Councillor HhcGmmn).
lB. Ro (1) IJakint; Union Street tvlO-way both vtays; (2) desirnbility and possibility of
including non-res::.dents and transi<mt lrJorkers as contributors to city revenue allotted
for expansion and T.1aintenance of gen(:ra1 pub1j cl facilities (Councillor Kipping).
19. He closing of the sub-Post Office on LudlO\1 SLrel~t, Saint .John l!efit (Councillor Creen) ~
20. Letter fror.l School District Humber 20 Bos,rd of Trustees re reduction in number of TilcmnH
school crosswalks by Corill:U.ssionaires - requesting reinstatement of this servicc, and
a neeting betHccr. a small delegation and Cit~T representatives on this subject. .
21. Letter from }Cnights of Columbus, Saint John C,ouncil No. 937, requesting reinstatement
of all school lX1 tro1s, immediately.
22~ Lettcr from }tinister of I!ealth of lk....~ Brunsv..-ick re Cl.ppointee~.. from CQTJUTion Council mcmbc}
to Board of Trustees of Saint John Provincial lIospital.
23. Letter from Hr. Hichael E. Burgess, 25 Holly Strc<?t, re proposed incret"so in parking
meter fees to 25 cents per hour. ,
COMMOIJ COUNCIL - liS at 6th February, 1976.
A. Meeting Clilled to order, 4.00 p.m., February 9, 1976 - prayer.
ij. Confirmation of minutes (January 26; Febna ry 4).
C. Mayor' B remarks.
R~ proposed purchase of parking meter parts. (see item 13 of agenda dated ~an.30,1976)
Report 1'8 tenders re demolition of lG8-liO HQckland Rd.
:'ayment of invoice.
Progress ~~ynlents re capital projects.
G.Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment. to permit a medium security pcnal institution
at a site lying betl'leen Green Lake and Ferguson Lake, off the westerly side of the
l-1artinon By-pass (lBt lc 2nd readings given Jan. 26, 1976).
H. He propcl)sed amtlndment to Subdivision By-Law (draft amendment).
I. Re proposed "By-Law to Formul.ate ?lans in the Lvent of a Community Disaster" (drci!'t.
by-law) .
J. nlanning Advisory Comuittee views re proposed amendments to Building &J-Law (see items
11 and 12 or Council agenda prepared Jm uary 30, 1976).
K. ?lC1nning Advisory Committee re assent to continuation of existing overhead distribution
for po\ver and. telephone lines on Morrison Road re subdivision of Annie Bagnell Estate
propert~r .
L. Land Committee re purchase of Ronald Vorehouse property, vlhalen Road.
H. Lam COL1Luttee re acquisition of McAllister Drive F.xtensio~ property from Silver Fails
Unit.ed Church: cost of survey; City not to pay interest oa purchase price.
N. Land Committee re acquisition of Ldgar L. Titus property, 109-113 Britain st. re
~uth l.nd housing land nssembly.
O. Letter frou Cities of New Brunswick re agenda for FelJruary 28, 1976 meeting.
P. Letter froo lire Ralph J. :5tephen, solicitor for Dr. Leesha G. Zed, requesting omendment
to Zoning By-La,,!.