COMHON COUlICIL - aD at 30th January, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 P.r.1.. l<'ebr1k'"l.ry 2. 1976 - prayer.
2. Mayor I s remarks.
7.00 D.m. - Proposed closing of Third 0t.rct:t, also knmm 01' formerly known as Short
Street, also lmovm or formerly Immm as Snow Street..
4. Fire Dept. report - lJovenber and DE:cenber, 1975.
5. Lngineering and \orks Dept., ~,orks lJranch, report - I~overlber (including capital ,;;orks up
to lmu including Hovember).
6. Progress pc'l.~1IJ1ent re a Dept.Hegional hconomic Lxpansion pror,;ranme project (lllid on table
Januar:r 26, 1976).
7. Pnyment of 1976 automobile fleet coverage premium.
il. He execution of client-architect agreement betvleen Cit:r and R. D. 1'urd..v Assode tes,
as anended, re architectural services, Shar.U"Ock Park.
SA. he 1976 operating budget (material available Monday).
elm t.. tell COl1MON CLERK
':'hird r(.;adin~lglll iJil'k1b~ng B;r-La'd (lst & 2nd readings given JHm~ r-y 26).
':'hird reading of Garbage By-La\-T (1st l.t 2nd readings given Jlmuc:TJ' 26).
Third reading of Building ~r_Law amendment (1st & 2nd readinGs<;i ven Janu&IjT 26). (see
iten 12)
12. He requesting vieVl! of Planning Advisory CorJraittee on proposed Builuing B~r-La.J umendrnent,
prior to third reading. (see item 11)
13. Proposed amendment to Parking Heter By-Law.
?lnnLinr, AdvifloIj~ Conr.1ittee re mobile home application of lira. Joan liodfre~T.
PlarminG Advisory Comr.u.ttee re acceptance of payments in lieu of land for public
purposes from: (1) Dr. HicbCiel Keating (Pine Realty); (2) Elner HarlMond.
Traffic and Safety Cornr.rl.ttee re proposed Traffic By-Law anenduent re parking overnight
on Alexandra Street.
He nt,ed for possible erection of a "Slow - Children't sign on Hillidge Avt:nue b~'
llanit:l il.venue anet Park La"m Court (Councillor HacGO\;an).
Le Cd r.aaldng Union Street two-way both wa;}TS; (2) desirabil1t~: and possibilitJr of
including lion-residents and transient .rorkers as contributors to ci ty reVE~nue allotted
for eJ~pansion ani rJhintt-rlCJ.nce of <~eneral publici. facilities (Councillor r:i.pping).
he closing of the sub-Pof;t Office on Ludlo\1 Stret;t, Saint. Jol.n 'est (Councillor C~rcen).
Lt tter 1'1'0121 0chool District l~umb(;r 20 B~rd of ci'rustees re rEjduction in [,ud d' of r.lc.nned
school crossvlalks by CorJl'llssionaires - rt;qUf:sting reim;t<~teLlLnt of tLis til;rv:.ce, ~;nd
b r1u;ting bet..een do Lrabll uelt;gCition c.ncl City representatives on tLis subjtct.
Lt:t\:,cr froI:l Knii~hts of Colwhbus, Saint John Council 1.0. 937, 1'e'iuesting rLiLst"tu.f;nt
of ;:,1.1 ~i chool patrols, it1nedititel~'.
Le .ter 1'1'OfJ. Linister of He;:j.lth of I,e\,' BrwlSwick re appointee' from Cor,Lon Council Llembers
to Boc..rd of ':'rustees of ~>a1nt John Provincial Hospital.
Letttjr from Hr. Hichael L. Burgees, 2:> Holly ~tr(;et, re propost;d incru.~e in t)~~rl:irlg
Deter fees to 25 cents per hour.