COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th January, 1976.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. Jm. uary 12 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (December 22 and 29 am 31; January 5).
3. Directions to guide Council during 1976 due to state 01' the economy (laid on table Jan.5).
Re propewed amendment to Building ~r_Law re permit fees.
Ite purchase of parking meters. (see i tern 6). ~
He propcl)sed amendment to Parking Meter By-Law re Ix.rking meter fees and parking meter fines;
(see item 5).
? He proposed amendnent to Plur.1bing ':'rade By-LHw.
8. He proposed amendments to Garbage By-Law; authority to commence immediate curbside pick-up.'
9. !Le sub-di vision agreenent vIi th Lastside Enterprises L1mi ted re Hillidgeville Estates R1aae IV
10. He sub-d.iv1sion agreement with Alpha Investments & Agencies Ltd. re Millidgevi1le r..statee
;'ha5e v.
11. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Re~ional hconomic bcpansion progranme.
12. Progress payment re capital project.
1.3. Paynent of invoice, Whitehall Luncheon Club, New York, U.S.A., payable to Associated
Container Transportation, New York, re Sai. nt John Port Day in New York.
13A.Re proposed over-pass or umer-pass at Loch Lomond Villa across Loch Lomond Rd.; re
traffic lights and a pedestrian si!~al. (see iten 18)
l.3~i)ayweIlt of various invoices. .
l3C.Le pedestrian flceess: Ha~rm.;..rket Sq.-Gilbert St.-Rockwood
Court area-Througt1'IIlaY constructiCZ1 J
14. 'l'hird reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for Kennebecc'l.sis Investments Ltd." the\,:
undeveloped or unsubdivided portion of Bon Accord Subdivision (1st &. 2nd readings given
Jan. 5, 1976).
15. Third r'eading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land on northerlJ.' side of Thornbrough
St., land to north of the lot B on th e odd-numbered houses on Parks St. Lxton., and a parcel
of le..nd adjoining on the east the property known as 39 Park St. lMen. (1st & 2nd readingB
given Jan. 5, 1976).
16. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone an area of lend with a width of approxi-
DlCiteJ..;jr 215 feet along UniverHity J\ve. am a frontage 01' -approximately 910 feet on easterly
siele of cl ney; street, Royal Drive, running northerly from University Ave., for Alpha
Investnents & Agencies Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 5, 1976).
17. Report of IJominating Committee.
18. :~eport of Transportation Committee re request for a bus shelter at bUB stop on
1 ;llerda.1e ~t. (see i tern l3A).
19. Letter from Minister of HHa.1th in repl~T to Council resolution ~ich requested enActament of
Intoxicated Persons Detention Act, and related matters.
20. Letter from The ~)aint John District Labour Council ..jecting to any proposal to close
any fire stations in the Smnt Jol'm area.
?~. Joint letter from Brs. Gladys Griffin, Marion Y. Stirling, Mrs. Helen Tipper and I'll'S. Alice
Henderson, residents of 89 Pitt ~}t. re hardship for Reniol' citi~~ens if curbside p;arhage
picl~-up service is instituted.
22. Application froT.1 Ivlrs. Joan E. (Jodfrey for renewal of mobile home pennission.