1976-01-05_Agenda . '. A G F. N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd January, 1976. 1. t-1eeting called to order, 7.00 p. m., January 5 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendnent to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Kennebecasis Investments Ltd., the undeveloped or unsubdivided portion of the Bon Accord Subdivision. ea) - Letter from Pla:-ming Advisory Committee re same. 4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone, land on the northerly side of Thornbrough Street, land to the north of the lots on the odd-numbered houses on Parks Street E:xtension, and a parc'el of land adjoining on the east the property known as 39 Park Street Extension (recommended by Planning Advisory Committee at Council's November 24th meeting). 5. 7.00 p.m. (a) (b) 6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone the former Eastern Bakeries Ltd. property on Douglas Avenue for 'Robbins, Limited and Eastern Bakeries Ltd.) - Letter from Planning A1visory Committee re same. Letter from Miss Leola F. Ward objecting to proposed re-zoning. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to permit a medium security penal institution at a site lying between Green Lake and Ferguson Lake, off the westerly side of the Martinon By-pass (a) Letter of objection from Mrs. M. A. Craw.ford requesting permission to make representation at Council meeting re said amendment. (b) - Letter from Mr. Frank P. Doiron requesting permission to present brief on behalf of the Citizens Rights Committee regarding said amendment. (c) - Copy of letter from Miss Anne C. Chisholm to Solicitor General re'location of said medium security penal institution. (d) - Letter from Prison Committee of Unitarian Fellowship re location of proposed penal institution. (e) - Information supplied by CanadiaL Penitentiary Service re proposed institution. (f) - Letter from The John Howard Society re location of proposed institution. 7. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Alpha Investments & Agencies Ltd., land along University Ave., 5 acres, more or less. (no readings given). COMMON CLERK 8. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-ZGlie for Petrofina Canada Ltd. ,~ property, corner Loch Lomond Road and McAllister Drive (1st & 2nd readings given Dec. 22). 9. Third reading of by-law amendment to close portions of Lowell St. and Bayshore Rd. (1st & 2nd readings given Dec. 8). CITY MANAGER 10. Re tenders for water and sewerage materials. 10A.Re tenders for sand, gravel, aggregates, loam and sod. 11. Re new client-architect agreement re athletic facilities, Shamrock Park (ld. on table Dec. 29 - report to be available on Monday). llA.Re proposed improv~nents to Hilton Belyea Arena and proposed closure of portion of Lowell ~ COMMITTEES 12. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to proposed subdivision plan, J. D. Irving Limited Subdivision, northerly side of Dwyer Road. 13. Planning j\dvisory Committee re assent to proposed subdivision plan, John William Sherriff Subdivision, westerly corner of Lorneville Point Road and Jack's Road. 14. Planhing Advisory Committee re acceptance of payment in lieu of land 'for public purposes with respect to three proposed subdivisions of land. 15. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to proposed subdivision plan, Carr Construction Ltd. subdivision, easterly side of Jack's Road at its Junct~on with the Lorneville Point Road and land for public purposes in said subdivision. ' 16. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Petrofina Canada Ltd. to erect a car wash and service station on property on City Road. 17. GENERAL Re improvements to communications between the public, its representatives and municipal government (Councillor Kipping). \ ' . Notice to decline acceptance of salary increase and expense allowance (Councillor A. Vlncen 18.