a8 at 23rd December, 1975.
heeting CCilltd. to order, Deceml)t~r 29) 4.UU p.D.
Confirt1wtion of ninut,es (DectIDlber 15 .
1 .<'Y01' 's rer'lfirks.
- prayer.
cr~'Y IJdihLrLH
1..<:: ne\: client-Cll'cLitect cL;l'eer,lent re <.th::"etic l'ac:i.litif?S, ~haTilrock ;'Hl'k.
i'l.of.;reUs ;).'lyr.ent re project undel'td.t.n UllcWr j)ept..L~<,;iolld1 Leonomie J.):pansion iJro,;ramme.
P<~'r;ler.t of v<~l'ious i11voices, E. s iisted..
)<'~ ment of :i.nvoices eov,?ring e05t n1' OOllcat,ionCl1 courbes <It lJni verfii t~T of L.j3. in
c)"int. JOHn for ,Jolice :le )1.. r.iā¬ubers (..icui.....iUI\(~, 1~;75).
he port rc tenders for v~ui;T.:t..nt r~:nU.l.
l~ .
GOl-H)I; CL;.~JC
E. Third n:acting of clJ:wndnenL to Council ~<<lhries j!:r_:k.~, (1st &. 2nd rU.din,;s !::iven
Dec. 2;), lSl75).
flIT 0JWl,I'l\)j~
Sl. ::E: rt'iuu3t .:.'rorJ. J. J,. 1 ilson <"wi hoofing Co. Ltd. for a .luit Glain Deed froJ, l.itv re
i)Ql'tion of "Hoad to ~)Lort 1 cl'r;/l (rim; closeci).
L Ii. II Cdi,jh.I7.?lJ .
10. ,.C ~)W'ChhHe of land. 1'roL ~'LrtC' Batteries Ltd. off F,d.l'ville IXlUlt,w.rd.
.'---'-. .e n.u'chCI~;e of lanel frQl;i l.iuoerlv Clark off I'i:lirville HoultNc.l'd.
l~:. ~e p:"~1-,ent to lor. L. J.. FClrrahar~ (cOLlpensation for guide ""ire); not;:,ti.otl "':'0 be w::a.e on
t~aSeLt'Jlt r~, guide Hire.
:;.). ;..e ;t<1;,n1t:nt to lIulf Oil CaIle.ua Ltd.. for lanci acquired at curntr of Lc.m,Jov.nt; <~nd
t llf;slp~;"" hVe~.
Let ;_l; rt> fro!..:
,J ill,,' J'e net:d.
L:Jr.loncl. 'Ji11<1;
G::JJ:. JU"L
(H) Lo eh LOJ;1ond V i11<> II ~ , c< Tn
for pedestrian traffic li,;hts Ot!
re need for a bus shelter Ct t bus
(b)' .. t r. 0 ~ j' - , L. .
HeBJ.Clen S l,OUtlCJ..L 0.1 ;..oCI, )["on.:.<
Loch J..or;1oncl I:oad in vicir:.:..t:- of ';"OC[,
stell) on L:;'l~:rdale ~)t.
--_._.~---,- .I'~~~