1975-12-01_Agenda At:'ENDA - COMMON COUNCIL as at 28th November, 1975. .1. 14eeting called to order, 4.00 P.Ii1.. December 1 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (November 17 & 24). 3. Mayor's remarks. ;1 l CITY IiJ\tjAGLH October reports: (a) Fire Dept.; (b) Technical ani Inspectlon ~rvices (and Plumbing). Re nurchc:.se of cold UDc emulsion; re purchase of aggregates and prdduction of cold.mix. Pa~ment of equi)l!lE!nt rental invoices(ChitticksJ'also Hatfield; 5tepben). Re l()asc of fOrLler Seanen':; Eission building, Prince \Vi11iam St., to Saint. John 'rheatre Compan~r . 8. Report re standpipe imlpections re Ne\'l Brunm/ick Telephone Conpany Limited tower. 9. Progress pa~'Illent re a Capital Budget project. 10. Pro,;ress pa~rrnentB re projects under taken un:ier Dept.H.egiona1 Lcononuc l~;:pansion prop,ramme.\ : 11. He Hoodla"'n Park (Barbom-view) sewagetrea tment. 12. Re Hillidgeville Re~(age treatment plant and sewage systems. 13. I~eport re doors, new arenas. 14~ Re ;x>rt on tenders for demolition of house and barn, Upper Golden Grove TId. 15", He Llona Construction 1.1.d. Thornbrour,h Sub-division. 16. H.e pm-chase of nel'( transfer gearbox for 1976 vacuum 8weep No. 732. 17. CanaeUation of Salvage Corps and r'ire Police warrants of: Hilliam Dunhl'.ln and Gerald. Lingley, of l]o. 1 Company, resigned. . 17A .Report rc tenders for carbon monoxide exhaust system. l7B.He public meeting re mediUIH security 'penitentiary. 4. .5. 6. 7. ~ i }I ,", r I :-, ; c.:Ol1HON CLERK 18. Letter from Planning Advisory c.:omnittee re re-zoning application from Hr", Lle~rd D. Pierce,~: Llo~'d 's Heating ~ervice L1nited, Brown St.. (1st &. 2nd readings given to this propesed l.e-~oning lJov. 17, 1975). CITY SOLICI'l'OO 19. Proposed amendment to Litter B~r-l..aw. . COHHI'J'TliliS 20. Con;ri t tee of the 1;!hole reI)Qrt (November 17, 1975). 21.. Planning Adviso~r GOIJrilittee re re-zoriing appU':Cition from Scholten Enterprises Ltd. for re-zoning of 770 Bay St. property (no readings hClw been given re this proposed I'6-zoning). 22. Planning Advisory Goru:u.ttee re application tor placement of nobile home by 1.rs. Terrence Hobichaud at 423 Hilford 1?d. 23. Planning Aclvisory COInlirl.ttee re acceptance of payment; in lieu of lc'lnd for public purposes in Galdo Ltd. :>ub-di vision, lI<wthDJ:me Ave. Lxt. 21~. Planning Adviso~' Cor.mttee recor:unending aruendr.1ent,6 to Zoning By-Law text. 25. Lettf?r from Gonmri.nsioner of Comr:lunitJ; Planning am Development re 8trt~et nar.iing (see item 26) . Gilll~l.AL 26.. He present system of street naming in the City ot baint John (Councillor Pye J (see item 25 ).. 27. Application from Hobbins, Li.mit.ed and Lastern Bakeries Limited for re-zoning 01' bakery property, 406 Douf',las Avenue. :!.