" ~
CO}.D.lON COUNCIL - as at 14th November, 1975.
1. Meeting called to order, .00 lIn. November 1 - prayer.
2. Continnntion ot minutes (November 3 & 10, 1975 .
3. ~or 's remarks.
4. Payment of asphalt invoice (Stephen Construction).
5. Pa;yment of equirxncnt rental invoice (Irving hquipnent).
6. Heport on bids for tourist literature supplies.
7. Payment of equipnent rental invoices U>tephenj Hatfield).
8. September report - Fire Dept. I"..:J ,nL.::ilL . 'h ,. ed..
9. Progress pa;Yll1ents re projects undertaken under I'~ -: "PI!if;_J~- = ~R1al 'qrl programme.
10. Re petition for wat.er and sewage services for Shillington Rd.. resJ. ent.a.
il. Report re litter from garbage truck, Ydng Square area, November 1, 1975.
12. Report re Litter By-Law: proposed amendment (in reply to Bro. L. Davis' letter re
litter prOblems).
13. Re naming pri va te roadway in Horna-Grand 13a;r area, "Rock Hill Roadway".
14. Ite cash award to Mr. H.ohert l1unroe, Engineering Division, re beneficial suggestion..
15. Re a pplicat ion from Ideal Stores Ltd., 199 Union St. to make roof repairs under Deferred
\-.'idening ~r_Law lllproireruents agreeJ:lent. "
16. Reply re inquiry of Canadian Manufacturers Associition re 1a\1 enforceI1ent.
17. Fte appraisal of 1-5 Dock Street property of N.B.rJ.ectric Power Comr:u.ssion: (a) letter
from City Manager; (b) memorandum from COll1IlIOn Clerk; (c) recommerrlation for payment of
Shawinigan l~ngineering Harl times Ltd. appraislll account (laid on table Oct. 20.1975).
18. Report re construction activities in th~ Haymarket Square area.
19. Pa;rment of invoice for loam (H. H. Laake~').
20. Paynent of invoice for equipuent rental (Chitticks).
21. heport re exit of traffic from parking area of Prince Edward Square Hall (in reply to
presentation oade by Mrs. Betty Sleep).
22. Report re Heat Craft Ltd. and 360 Develo}'Eent Ltd., se'/age lift station.
22A.Report re Urban Henewal development-Dock Street-Market Square area; re pa~'Dl.ent of aOClOunt
to Grove Construction Ltd. re losses through delay in c.eF.lolition of 15 Dock St.
2?B. He HO\>ie' s Lake die posal area - Sandy Point Rd.
22C.Application to relocate Irving OU service station, Tilton's Corner,lvest, gasoline tanks.
23. Cornmi t tee of \Vho1e report (Nov. 10).
2l~. Report from Mayor' 8 Hnlf-\\'ay House Commit.tee re need for food and shelter for intoxicated
homeless persons.
25. Land Comr;d.ttee re sale of freehold of 114 Elliott Row to Thomas HcCutcheon.
26. Land Committee re sale ot leasehold interest and freehold of 22 Suffolk St. to Abbey J.
27. wnd Committee re sale of freehold ot 5, 7 and 9 Uerr.lIl.in St.,Fest, to Dora Dickson Real
Lstate, agent for 11au:le Carson Estate.
28. Land Committee re purchase of land from Kermeth lltck for proposed HcAllister Dr.extension.
29. Land Committee 1'e settlement payment re expropriation of property of Estate of ;,.Car1e
SIai th for Spruce Lake water line.
30. Land Cornr:d.ttee re payment of appraisal account to Fund~r Appraisals Ltd.
31. Land COI'JJI;u. ttee re payment of appraisal account to Hoy de Stecher h HssociCl tes.
32. "lHnning Advisory Conu:rl.ttee letter proposing cunendmenta to ~ubdivision by-Law (laid on
table Hov. 10, 1975).
33. Planning 1\.clvisory Gonu;rl,ttee re proposed ro-zoning of u\tlcl on Bro\'lTl ~>t.. for Lloyd u.
Pierce, Lloyd' 5 Heating ;>ervice Lt.d.
34. Report from First L.D.H. Ltd.
35. Re Harsh Creek flooding problem (Councillor Kipping).
36. Letter from Councillor A. Vincent, resigning from Saint John fUndy Hegion Develoynent
Comnission (laid on table Nov. lO, 1975).
37. Saint John Regional Plan Steering Comr.:d.ttee, Dept. of Hunicipal Affairs, re proposed
Regional Plan for the Saint John Region.
3g. Petition from residents of Lowell Street area and Beaconsfield Crescent objecting to
access to Lowell St. arena over the former Porter propHrtYjre arena landscaping and fence.
39. Letter fran Mrs. Clarence ~)aunders, Wright St., re fence along hright St.
~, Application for re-zoning, Phase 3, l3onaccord. Sub-division, Lock Lomond Il.d., suomitted by
;j Kennebecasis Investments Ltd.